Hello Lake Shawnee Men's League!



Registration OPEN!

Click here to register for the 2025 season.


Edit Registration Here.


-Register as "Member" if previous Men's League Member.
-Register as "Non-member" if new to LSGC Men's League.

-If prompted for a GGID please enter "MENSLEAGUE2025".


League Description

The Men’s League is a golf league that plays on Wednesdays from March 5th – October 29th with the option to play 9 or 18 holes. Play is conducted from the white or red tees (70+) based on which division the player selects on the application.

2 Separate Divisions – White Tees OR Red Tees (must be 70+). During online registration, player will choose which division he will be playing in and will continue to play from that division all season; including club championship.



Important Notes 2025!


  • All Men's League registration will be done online.
  • Ghin handicap MUST be purchased through Central Links. Click here for the link.
  • Premium Season Long Tee Times: Men’s League members will have the option to book the premium season long tee times through an online auction. Click Here for the auction.

For more information on the premium season long tee times see the Tee Times Section in league details.


Click Here to Book Men's League Tee Time


If you need help to log-in please contact the pro shop (785) 251-6840.



Premium Season Long Tee Times

There will be an auction for Men's League members who would like to book a premium season long tee time from April-October. In order to win the bid on the tee time auction, the bidder must be an active paid Men's League member for the current season. NEW- The auction style has changed from a Straight Bid to an Auto Bid style. How Auto Bid works: Enter the maximum bid amount you are willing to spend for this item. If you are outbid at any time, we will place the next minimum bid on your behalf.

Example: The current bid is $10 and minimum bid increment is $5. If you’re willing to pay $50 for the item, place a bid for $50. Only $15 ($10+$5) minimum bid will be used for your first bid. If next bidder out-bids you by placing a bid of $20 ($15 +$5), the software will automatically place the next bid on your behalf for $25 ($20+$5). This will continue until your maximum amount is lower than the next minimum bid. 


The auction ends, March 19th at 8:00pm.


Tee Times will be reserved for consecutive Wednesdays from April-August (Peak Season start time) and September-October (Fall Season start time). The Fall tee time will be 40 minutes later then the Peak Season tee time due to the sunrise time, unless you choose a tee time 4 pm or later.


To access Premium Season Long Tee Time auction - click here