Governors Cup

2025 Governor’s Cup
The Governor’s Cup is a season-long, two-man team match play event comprised of 32
teams. Matches are played at 90% of each player’s course handicap in accordance
with USGA/WHS recommendations. The Tournament bracket/seeding is established by
random selection. Players can choose to play from whatever tee markers they desire
with appropriate handicap adjustment.


A few notes and reminders:


The Tournament Committee will collect an entry fee of $20.00 per team. The entire pool ($640.00) will be awarded to the two finalist teams on a 60/40 ($400.00 / $240.00) split.

We will use the GHIN App for all player handicaps for all matches.  The Pro Shop will assist in determining the 90% handicap for all players as required.

Scheduling of matches is the responsibility of the participating teams. All matches
should be scheduled for completion by the date indicated on the event bracket, posted
on the TMC bulletin board. If an undue delay in playing one match is adversely
affecting subsequent matches, the event captain will contact the participating teams to
work out an acceptable schedule. If that cannot be accomplished, the matter will be
referred to the Tournament Committee where a decision will be made for the benefit of
the balance of the event participants.


Please sign up early so we can get the first-round matches started as soon as possible.
Good luck,


Bob Wahlberg
Event captain