CMWED Jan 22 - Stableford Game (Wed, January 22, 2025)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.

Albitz, Paul
Anderson, Dean
Andrews, Mark
Asher, Rick
Benard, Richard
Blatnik, Anthony
Block, 1A
Block, 1B
Block, 1C
Block, 1D
Block, 2A
Block, 2B
Block, 2C
Block, 2D
Bryant, David
Burchill, Roy
Christensen, Karl
Degrazier, Lance
Donnelly, John
Dudas, Michael
Elliott, Rick
Everroad, Scott
Ferris, Kirk
Goldberg, Bruce
Hancock, Hank
Koudelka, Steve
Mebane, Holt
Page, Mark
Ryan, Don
Smith, Thomas
Trowbridge, Dan
Winder, Patrick