Welcome to the "Member's Only Clinic - Greenside Bunkers - April 26th" 



Our Coaches Adrien, Bill and Jamie are excited to continue our Member's Only Short Game Clinics for the 2024. Below you will find all of our Clinic Dates for this season. Clinic times will be 10:30am, 12:00pm, & 1:30pm. Keep and eye your Member Updates for Registration Links. Let us know if there is another area of focus that you would like us to provide for you and we will see what we can do!



March 23rd                    Putting 

March 30th                    Chipping 

April 7th                         Pitching 

May 11th                        Putting 

May 25th                        Bunker 

June 8th                         Pitching 

June 22th                       Chipping 

July 13th                        Putting 

July 27th                        Bunker 

August 10th                   Chipping 

August 24th                   Putting 

September 7th              Pitching