Event#5 - 2-Man Scramble (Sat, January 25)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.

Angel Contreras
Ashwin Rajendra
Bill Minnery
Brian Loventhal
Bryce Sollazzi
Carl Stromquist
Christopher Riland
Craig Bass
Craig Harrington
Dan Sexton
Daniel Grajeda
Derek Shpuniarsky
Deval Patel
Doug Mullins
Drew Weimer
Erik Feldman
Eunsook Kang
Frank Apodaca
Frederick Wright
Gary Berg
Gary Clothier
Hatem Naguib
Jackson Thoreson
Jacob Morris
Jeff Fell
Jeff Krogen
Jeff Stephens
Jermaine Thomas
Jim Cirimele
John Kornitsky
John McCleeary
John Rhoades
Justin Smith
Mark Garrett
Matt Ameln
Michael Tovish
Mike Stahl
Nathan Morton
Nicholas Egan
Patrick Fraher
Paul Boswell
Paul Vieth
Rammohan Ranganathan
Richard Lebakos
Richard Morton
Roland Kutaka
Scott Slinker
Scott Welsh
Simon Webber
Skipp Harvey
Steve Darrow
Steve Shortt
Tod Fukushima
Trent Gilfoil
Vj Kumar
Walter Joyce