Member-Guest Invitational Rules and Guidelines
March 13-17, 2025
Rule #1 Have Fun
Eligibility: All competitors must have an established USGA index Handicap. The Handicap Committee reserves the right to review all guest and member handicaps and we will follow the USGA recommendation of flighting the teams by combined handicap. Handicaps as of February 16th at noon are to be used for the tournament.
Each Member-Guest team will be assigned to a flight of six (6) teams based on total team handicaps. Competition will be NET BETTER BALL, MATCH PLAY. This is a non-elimination type match play tournament.
Each team will play a nine-hole match against each of the other five teams in their flight. There will be a total of five matches...two on Friday, two on Saturday and one on Sunday. Handicaps adjusted to 85% with strokes allocated off the low handicap player in each foursome. (This is a USGA standard and no 8 or 10 stroke spread is enforced any longer according to the USGA) Player’s nine-hole handicaps will be printed on the official scorecard.
Match Scoring. (1 point per hole, 1⁄2 point for tie hole, 0 points for a lost hole, 1 additional point for winning the entire match, ½ point for tie the match 10 points awarded total).
Following the 5th round match on Sunday, the flight winners and 2 wild card teams will compete in a shootout to determine the over-all Member-Guest Champions. Flight winners determined by total points earned within the flight.
The flight winners plus two wild card team shall compete in the shoot-out to determine who wins. The format for the shoot-out will be as follows:
- Format: This is a NET final. Alternate shot, one ball. All putts must be holed out. Players shall receive only those handicap strokes as they fall on the card.
- The handicaps for this competition shall be according to the USGA guidelines 60% of the high handicap participants and 40% of the low handicap participant handicap allowance using the strokes where they fall on the card.
- Holes shall be used for the shoot-out Canada ( #14, #15, #16,#17, #18).
- All player will play from the Combo Blue/White Tees for the shoot-out.
- Order is determined by drawing lots, the head pro who will be the referee.
- Each team must tell the referee which player will tee off on the first hole and alternate tee shots between the players on the following holes and if a hole is repeated in the case of #18 teams will alternate who tees off each time they play the hole.
- Following the completion of the first shootout hole, the two teams with the highest score are eliminated. In the event of ties, there will be a “chip-off” from a pre-determined location near the green selected by the referee. One member of each team shall participate in the chip- off, following the alternate shot order. (the player who did not hit or putt the last shot of the hole must chip) The team(s) with the closest single ball in the chip-off shall advance in the shoot-out. All chip-off participants shall have their back to the target while their opponents are playing their shot. All shots will be measured with a tape or stick.
- Due to the number of teams which could change; elimination of teams will follow this format:
- Playoff Hole 1 is completed 8 teams remain
- Playoff Hole 2 is completed 6 teams remain
- Playoff Hole 3 is completed 4 teams remain
- Playoff Hole 4 is completed 2 teams remain
- Playoff Hole 5 is sudden death and can be replayed in the case of a tie.
- In the event there is a tie for FIRST ONLY after playing #18, the teams that are tied shall play #18 again in a sudden death playoff. Teams must alternate who tee’s off in a playoff.
Play from Blue/White combo tees (5900 yards), which is a combination of Blue and White tee boxes. Contestants may request to play from white markers; however, handicaps shall be adjusted to the player’s white tee handicap. Players can request to play from the Blue tee and handicaps shall be adjusted. If a player requests a tee box change they must play that change for all matches. Individuals can play from one tee box and their teammate from a different tee box. Unless notified 7 days advance of the start of the tournament, all players will assume to be playing from the Blue/White combo tee distance.
Ties for flight winners will be resolved in favor of the team that won their head-on match. If that match was tied or not played, the tie will be resolved in favor of the team scoring the most points in the 5th round match, if still tied, then the 4th, 3rd, etc. In the event three or more teams are tied for first in a flight, the 5th round points are compared followed by the 4th round points etc. until the flight winners and runners-up are determined. In the event there is still a tie, a chip off on #18 green shall be conducted to determine the flight winner.
- If a team drops from the field after playing at least one match against the flight the flight affected shall compete as follows.
The remaining teams in the flight shall play one match against par. A marker shall be assigned to play alongside the twosome. The match will be played like any other match with the two-man team’s one net better ball score on each hole competing against par, NOT the missing teams score PAR for the hole. If your NET better ball beats par, you receive one point, if you matches par, 1⁄2 point and if you are over par you do not earn a point for that hole. If your team wins the match against par, you receive the 10th point. If your match is halved against par for the nine holes, you receive an additional 1⁄2 point. The maximum points a team can win is 6 points.
- If a team drops from the field having NOT played any other team in the Flight the flight affected shall compete as follows.
The remaining teams in the flight shall play one match against par. A marker shall be assigned to play alongside the twosome. The match will be played like any other match with the two-man team’s one net better ball score on each hole competing against par, NOT the missing teams score PAR for the hole. If your NET better ball beats par, you receive one point, if you matches par, 1⁄2 point and if you are over par you do not earn a point for that hole. If your team wins the match against par, you receive the 10th point. If your match is halved against par for the nine holes, you receive an additional 1⁄2 point. You are eligible to win all 10 points, there is no cap on points.
- Out of the teams that did not win their flight... the team with the highest total score out of all flights shall be one wild card team. In the event of a tie a coin flip decides who is the wildcard team.
- The second wild card team is the team that scored the most points, in the fifth and last match of flight play. This means one team could jump over other teams in their own flight and get into the playoff. In the event of a tie a coin flip decides who is the second wildcard team.
- In the event one partner does not show for the match, the other partner may play the match using his net score against his opponent’s net better ball score.
- If one member of a team is late for a match, the other player may represent the team as stated above. However, the team member that is late cannot participate in a hole if any of the other three players has hit his second shot on a hole. The late second player may join the match and play if a second shot has not been hit or on the following hole.
- If a team (both players) are late (more than 10 mins) for a match, the team present may begin play. Any holes that where missed would be awarded to the team that was present on the first hole of the match. The team that was present must play the holes.
- If both teams in a match no-show, both teams will receive 0 points.
- In the event a flight is short a team (5 teams rather than 6), each team in the flight will play one match against par. A spotter will be used for the match.
- STROKE ALLOWANCE (1) Nine-Hole Matches
We will use 85% handicap allowance played off the low handicap player in each foursome. For example, if the adjusted nine-hole handicaps are 2, 3, 7 and 10, the three highest handicap players would play off the 2. The 2 would play at scratch, the 3 would play at 1, the 7 would play at 5 and the 10 would play at 8.
- Members and Guests will play to their handicap index as of the March 1st 2024 revision. Guests that belong to more than one club will use the lowest index.
Friday – If golf is completely rained out, the format will be adjusted as follows: Saturday - 18 holes 1 BB of the twosomes and Sunday – 9 holes 1 BB twosomes competing within the flights. The combined Friday + Saturday (27 holes 1 BB twosome score) will determine the flight winners. The shootout will then be conducted following regulation play. Ties for flight winners – Saturdays 1 BB twosome score will be compared first, then second nine on Friday, then first nine on Friday. If still tied, a chip off on #18 green will determine the flight winner. One wild card team shall be selected by lowest 27-hole BB score from teams that did not win their flight (ties broken using Saturdays score #1 handicap hole, then #2 handicap hole etc.)
Saturday – If completely rained out, match results on Friday will be cancelled and the format will be altered as follows: Within the flights, Fridays 1 BB twosome scores will be calculated and added to 9 holes 1 BB twosome on Sunday morning. The 27-hole 1 BB score within flights will determine the flight winners. The flight winners will compete in the shootout Sunday afternoon as scheduled. Ties for flight winners broken as follows: Sunday’s 9-hole 1 BB score is compared first, then Friday’s second round 1 BB twosome score, then Friday’s first round 1 BB twosome score. If still tied, a chip off on #18 green will determine the flight winners. One wild card team shall be selected by lowest 27-hole BB score from teams that did not win their flight (ties broken using Friday’s score #1 handicap hole, then #2 handicap hole etc.).
Sunday – If completely rained out ,Flight winners and over-all champion will be determined based on Friday and Saturday results. Flight winners determined by the team scoring the most points within their respective flight for all matches completed on Friday and Saturday. Ties broken within flights based on head-to-head match (if played) then fourth round match points followed by third round match, then second round match, then first round match. If still tied, a coin flip shall determine the flight winner. The over-all champions, runner- up and third place shall be determined by total points scored for all matches played on Friday and Saturday combined amongst the flight winners only. Should there be a tie for 1st, 2nd or 3rd, winners will be determined by total points scored on Saturday, then if needed total points scored on Friday, then 4th round points, 3rd round points, then 2nd round points, then 1st round points, then a coin flip.
Note: Every attempt will be made to complete the event in its entirety. The tournament committee reserves the right to cancel rounds or adjust the format in the event of rainouts or inclement weather.
Partial Rounds: If a round is partially rained out, all teams in the field must have played a minimum of 5 holes for the entire round to count. The match points shall be totaled within each flight for the maximum number of holes all teams have played. (Example if all teams completed 5 holes but half the field completed 6 we will count the first 5 holes played) The team that is up in the match (if at least 5 holes completed) shall receive an additional point for winning the match. If the match is tied, each team receives 1⁄2 a point. If any match in the field at the time the round is rained out has played 4 or fewer holes... The Tournament Committee reserves the right to cancel the entire round or if possible, require the teams that have played 4 or fewer holes to complete play the remaining holes needed as determined by the Committee.
Special Circumstances: The Committee may chose for scheduling to allow a match(s) to be played on another course or on another day. Every attempt will be made to make it as fair as possible.
Para-Mutual Betting
Para-mutual tickets may be purchased for over-all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and for win-place-show within each flight. All para-mutual bets for flights wagers must be placed before your first round tee off on Friday. Ties for flight para-mutual shall be broken by head-to-head match, if needed or 3 or more teams tied, total points combined last 3 match rounds, then first two match rounds, then match #5, then match #4 etc. down to match #1. Para-mutual betting will be reviewed in the case of rain-outs with the expectation to pay out, however the committee reserves the right to cancel and return all bets if the rainout creates an un-fair set of circumstances.
DAILY PAYOUTS: (based upon a field of 36 teams)
Friday Payout:
Day Money, Win, Place, Show for each flight, $5,400 pot. ($150, $100, $50)
Cross County by Flight one winner per Flight $1350 pot. ($150 per flight winner)
Saturday Payout:
Day Money, Win, Place, Show for each flight, $5,400 pot. ($150, $100, $50)
Skills Competition Four events $1000 pot paid to 4 individuals. Buy ups are included in each individual pot.
Sunday Payout:
Day Money, Win, Place, Show for each flight, $1,340 pot. ($75, $50, $25)
Win, Place, Show for Each Flight $1,575, ($100, $50, $25)
First place gets next year’s entry of $600, 2 Big Screen TV’s (gift certificates) $1,000
Second place gets $200, Lesser places will all receive vouchers for rounds of golf at high end courses.
*The prizes and purse as described here are based upon a 54 team 108 player field. The committee retains the right to adjust these numbers up or down based upon field size and sponsors.