Parimutuel Betting Results TV Display

Nicklaus Flight

Rank Team Return on $1 bet Total to Distribute
Win Place Show Win Place Show
Bourguignon, Grady + Ponce, Bohdan $0.49 $2.04 $0.50 $51.00 $51.00 $40.00
Wallace, Steve + Wallace, Justin $1.28 $1.02 $1.33 $51.00 $51.00 $40.00
Jurgensen, Eric + Kokoska, Chris $3.40 $0.68 $1.14 $51.00 $51.00 $40.00
Ott, Dustin + Ott, John $1.02 $0.73 $2.00 $51.00 $51.00 $40.00
Martinson, Ken + Salisbury, Ryan $1.13 $1.46 $1.14 $51.00 $51.00 $40.00
Seppala, Scott + Lappin, Mark

Palmer Flight

Rank Team Return on $1 bet Total to Distribute
Win Place Show Win Place Show
Benz, Steve + Mills, Barry $0.43 $0.39 $0.44 $47.00 $37.00 $40.00
Nelson, Thomas + Motta, Robert $1.18 $1.23 $1.33 $47.00 $37.00 $40.00
Farina, Pete + Farina, Todd $4.70 $3.70 $4.00 $47.00 $37.00 $40.00
Peters, Luke + Richardson, George
Kress, Brook + Kress, Todd $1.04 $0.82 $0.89 $47.00 $37.00 $40.00
Ellison, Dan + Easley, Richard $1.57 $7.40 $1.60 $47.00 $37.00 $40.00

Hogan Flight

Rank Team Return on $1 bet Total to Distribute
Win Place Show Win Place Show
Armstrong, Larry + Lisch, Randy $1.63 $1.07 $2.20 $16.25 $16.00 $11.00
Stowers, Mike + Fleming, Robert $1.60 $1.10 $16.00 $11.00
Leuman, Joe + Erickson, Fred $1.63 $1.60 $1.10 $16.25 $16.00 $11.00
Sherrard, Myron + Velasquez, Michael
Jones, Andy + Balderrama, Victor $0.65 $0.64 $1.10 $16.25 $16.00 $11.00
Craig, Robert + Tierney, John $0.81 $0.80 $0.55 $16.25 $16.00 $11.00

Player Flight

Rank Team Return on $1 bet Total to Distribute
Win Place Show Win Place Show
McLauchlin, Zach + Van Der Vis, David $0.58 $1.20 $1.05 $46.25 $30.00 $26.25
Gaffney, Dennis + Gaffney, Mac
Davis, Paul + Smith, Larry $1.54 $0.86 $1.31 $46.25 $30.00 $26.25
Bingham, Stetson + Monaco, Chris
Ingram, Elliott + Turpin, Greg $4.63 $3.00 $2.63 $46.25 $30.00 $26.25
Martinson, Joe + Short, Troy $0.71 $0.60 $0.53 $46.25 $30.00 $26.25

Snead Flight

Rank Team Return on $1 bet Total to Distribute
Win Place Show Win Place Show
Schourek, Joe + Stiffler, Philip $0.79 $1.31 $2.25 $23.75 $26.25 $45.00
Heins, Steve + Heins, Doug $0.53 $0.40 $0.43 $23.75 $26.25 $45.00
Gray, Chuck + Lindsay, Eric $2.38 $2.63 $23.75 $26.25
Price, Steven + Young, Dale
Scarla, Art + Hagen, Richard $2.38 $2.63 $4.50 $23.75 $26.25 $45.00
Comi, Tom + Jervis, Robin

Nelson Flight

Rank Team Return on $1 bet Total to Distribute
Win Place Show Win Place Show
Scholl, Connor + Retherford, Taylor $0.56 $0.61 $0.61 $22.50 $18.33 $18.33
Hackathorn, Dave + Hackathorn , Nate
Earhart, Mitch + Dierssen, John $4.50 $1.22 $1.22 $22.50 $18.33 $18.33
Morgan, Del + Gray, Larry $1.83 $1.83 $18.33 $18.33
Robles, Maximiliano + Don, Kenneth
White, Tim + Turner, Robert

Norman Flight

Rank Team Return on $1 bet Total to Distribute
Win Place Show Win Place Show
Messer, Brad + Meyers, Bruce $0.70 $0.51 $0.52 $35.00 $30.83 $26.00
Jones, Stephen + Vartola, Tony $7.00 $6.17 $5.20 $35.00 $30.83 $26.00
Sumner, Chuck + Robinson, Mike $1.75 $1.54 $35.00 $30.83
Labanauskas, Min + Ottaway, Tom $0.70 $0.62 $0.65 $35.00 $30.83 $26.00
McManus, Stephen + McManus, James $1.17 $1.03 $0.87 $35.00 $30.83 $26.00
Turilli, Vinny + Plamondon, Ken $0.64 $1.54 $5.20 $35.00 $30.83 $26.00

Watson Flight

Rank Team Return on $1 bet Total to Distribute
Win Place Show Win Place Show
Beck, Joseph + Clarkson, Jacob
Barney, Arthur + Beall, John
Dale, Patrick + Jackson, Joe $0.69 $5.75 $76.25 $57.50
Geddis, Scott + Geddis, Dustin $1.91 $76.25
Matsuzawa, Jason + Fernandez, Gabe $0.73 $0.55 $1.00 $76.25 $57.50 $105.00
Manzo, Guido + Pereira, Rui $1.53 $76.25

Trevino Flight

Rank Team Return on $1 bet Total to Distribute
Win Place Show Win Place Show
McDonald, Tom + Janssen, Dan $0.95 $1.67 $2.33 $23.75 $8.33 $11.67
Boynton, John + Sloss, Reed
Langsfeld, Bob + Weddle, Ron $0.59 $0.83 $1.17 $23.75 $8.33 $11.67
Haines, Luke + Gist, Jacob
Perez, Andy + Apter, Merrill $1.19 $23.75
Arenibas, Joe + McPherson , Mike $2.38 $0.83 $0.58 $23.75 $8.33 $11.67
Bettor Win Place Show Total
Total Bet $1,490.00 $1,125.00 $1,020.00 $3,635.00
Apter, Merrill $11.88 $18.17 $0.00 $30.04
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472744046020007617 $0.00 $6.17 $0.00 $6.17
11472744930011518658 $0.00 $12.00 $0.00 $12.00
11472746070727988931 $11.88 $0.00 $0.00 $11.88
Arenibas, Joe $23.75 $8.33 $11.67 $43.75
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472597233904391782 $23.75 $8.33 $11.67 $43.75
Armstrong, Larry $0.00 $37.19 $0.00 $37.19
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472664297906116237 $0.00 $7.29 $0.00 $7.29
11472664690459416206 $0.00 $10.20 $0.00 $10.20
11472666083974977168 $0.00 $5.14 $0.00 $5.14
11472665387888285327 $0.00 $3.89 $0.00 $3.89
11472663928740255372 $0.00 $10.67 $0.00 $10.67
Benz, Steve $25.64 $46.49 $28.89 $101.02
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472625033046660734 $25.64 $23.37 $26.67 $75.67
11472740998606493375 $0.00 $0.00 $2.22 $2.22
11472741689559357120 $0.00 $23.13 $0.00 $23.13
Bourguignon, Grady $24.29 $0.00 $25.00 $49.29
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472609207467906676 $24.29 $0.00 $25.00 $49.29
Dale, Patrick $69.32 $0.00 $0.00 $69.32
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472652135062050440 $69.32 $0.00 $0.00 $69.32
Davis, Paul $7.71 $4.29 $6.56 $18.56
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472575493484582494 $7.71 $4.29 $6.56 $18.56
Easley, Richard $0.00 $0.00 $32.00 $32.00
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472738835184490173 $0.00 $0.00 $32.00 $32.00
Fernandez , Gabriel $36.31 $27.38 $50.00 $113.69
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472618672132986493 $36.31 $27.38 $50.00 $113.69
Geddis, Dustin $11.88 $0.00 $0.00 $11.88
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472594831474169445 $11.88 $0.00 $0.00 $11.88
Geddis, Scott $81.35 $3.64 $10.00 $94.99
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472590471277057636 $76.25 $0.00 $0.00 $76.25
11472675128135915155 $5.10 $3.64 $10.00 $18.74
Gray, Chuck $23.75 $26.25 $0.00 $50.00
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472603088213251691 $23.75 $26.25 $0.00 $50.00
Heins, Steve $21.11 $24.23 $42.86 $88.20
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472719635506271910 $21.11 $24.23 $42.86 $88.20
Ingram, Elliott $97.25 $64.33 $74.85 $236.43
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472601943302477417 $23.13 $15.00 $13.13 $51.25
11472602678043874922 $6.38 $5.10 $6.67 $18.14
11472603319906604652 $5.67 $7.29 $5.71 $18.67
11472604517296510573 $23.50 $18.50 $20.00 $62.00
11472604893676574318 $7.71 $4.29 $6.56 $18.56
11472605419004761711 $3.56 $3.00 $2.63 $9.18
11472606396915127921 $17.00 $3.40 $5.71 $26.11
11472606743230420594 $5.22 $4.11 $4.44 $13.78
11472607107899987571 $5.10 $3.64 $10.00 $18.74
Jackson, Joe $6.93 $57.50 $0.00 $64.43
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472707196039468703 $6.93 $57.50 $0.00 $64.43
Janssen, Dan $19.00 $0.00 $0.00 $19.00
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472659374229427850 $19.00 $0.00 $0.00 $19.00
Jones, Andy $9.75 $9.60 $11.00 $30.35
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472669846802536081 $9.75 $9.60 $11.00 $30.35
Jones, Stephen $38.63 $33.57 $31.00 $103.20
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472687112537511574 $3.63 $2.74 $5.00 $11.37
11472686160497612437 $35.00 $30.83 $26.00 $91.83
Kokoska, Chris $34.00 $6.80 $11.43 $52.23
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472589271202797154 $34.00 $6.80 $11.43 $52.23
Kress, Todd $128.46 $97.44 $75.61 $301.51
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472716730732648100 $41.78 $24.67 $26.67 $93.11
11472718320105428645 $23.50 $12.33 $13.33 $49.17
11472720075706865319 $11.25 $6.11 $6.11 $23.47
11472722624400856745 $5.78 $6.00 $5.25 $17.03
11472723532920657579 $16.25 $5.33 $11.00 $32.58
11472725830459725488 $15.67 $37.00 $8.00 $60.67
11472727432885180084 $14.23 $6.00 $5.25 $25.48
Langsfeld, Bob $27.29 $16.90 $11.67 $55.86
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472597421138122343 $11.88 $8.33 $11.67 $31.88
11472598985848395368 $15.42 $8.57 $0.00 $23.99
Leuman, Joe $16.25 $16.00 $11.00 $43.25
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472626381163075199 $16.25 $16.00 $11.00 $43.25
Manzo, Guido $87.81 $0.00 $0.00 $87.81
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472634717359052420 $76.25 $0.00 $0.00 $76.25
11472697203462510234 $11.56 $0.00 $0.00 $11.56
Martinson, Joe $116.50 $200.62 $134.41 $451.53
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472722288353220264 $9.71 $40.80 $0.00 $50.51
11472722981688448682 $12.75 $10.20 $0.00 $22.95
11472723721966327468 $23.13 $0.00 $0.00 $23.13
11472724297559053997 $6.50 $6.40 $0.00 $12.90
11472724954319951534 $0.00 $13.13 $22.50 $35.63
11472725299863492271 $0.00 $18.33 $18.33 $36.67
11472725887435151025 $0.00 $13.60 $22.86 $36.46
11472726548860114610 $0.00 $16.00 $11.00 $27.00
11472727304573032115 $21.35 $18.00 $15.75 $55.10
11472727916639426229 $20.40 $14.57 $0.00 $34.97
11472728650676180662 $0.00 $8.22 $8.89 $17.11
11472729242979014327 $0.00 $12.22 $12.22 $24.44
11472730033890531000 $22.67 $29.14 $22.86 $74.67
Martinson, Ken $11.33 $7.29 $5.71 $24.33
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472659334802970249 $11.33 $7.29 $5.71 $24.33
Matsuzawa, Jason $36.31 $69.15 $50.00 $155.46
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472612839533844086 $36.31 $27.38 $50.00 $113.69
11472614843672958584 $0.00 $13.60 $0.00 $13.60
11472615457786173050 $0.00 $13.60 $0.00 $13.60
11472616432676640379 $0.00 $14.57 $0.00 $14.57
McDonald, Tom $50.75 $32.94 $37.78 $121.47
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472627767732868736 $23.50 $18.50 $20.00 $62.00
11472628517103998593 $22.50 $6.11 $6.11 $34.72
11472629090582795906 $4.75 $8.33 $11.67 $24.75
McLauchlin, Zach $31.33 $0.00 $0.00 $31.33
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472747719559222980 $31.33 $0.00 $0.00 $31.33
McManus, James $23.33 $20.56 $17.33 $61.22
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472693595958417048 $23.33 $20.56 $17.33 $61.22
McManus, Stephen $11.67 $10.28 $8.67 $30.61
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472683048860915348 $11.67 $10.28 $8.67 $30.61
Messer, Brad $57.95 $43.18 $59.33 $160.46
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472714829773412003 $12.75 $10.20 $13.33 $36.28
11472713114235967137 $35.00 $25.69 $26.00 $86.69
11472714014333605538 $10.20 $7.29 $20.00 $37.49
Mills, Barry $21.36 $9.74 $11.11 $42.21
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472586199428765280 $21.36 $9.74 $11.11 $42.21
Nelson, Thomas $23.50 $24.67 $26.67 $74.83
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472709710340167328 $23.50 $24.67 $26.67 $74.83
Ottaway, Tom $37.64 $26.69 $28.14 $92.47
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472740396304438974 $2.64 $2.02 $2.14 $6.80
11472738014342420156 $35.00 $24.67 $26.00 $85.67
Perez, Andy $22.08 $0.00 $10.50 $32.58
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472735277173184185 $10.20 $0.00 $0.00 $10.20
11472735929873995450 $0.00 $0.00 $10.50 $10.50
11472736576501454523 $11.88 $0.00 $0.00 $11.88
Plamondon, Ken $31.82 $0.00 $0.00 $31.82
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472694481023669913 $31.82 $0.00 $0.00 $31.82
Ponce, Bohdan $14.57 $0.00 $15.00 $29.57
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472610819859027573 $14.57 $0.00 $15.00 $29.57
Robinson, Mike $35.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35.00
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472644359359305351 $35.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35.00
Salisbury, Ryan $7.12 $3.00 $2.63 $12.74
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472663806501459595 $7.12 $3.00 $2.63 $12.74
Scarla, Art $23.75 $26.25 $45.00 $95.00
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472670381962172050 $23.75 $26.25 $45.00 $95.00
Schourek, Joe $35.00 $25.35 $34.72 $95.07
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472633219287881347 $23.75 $13.13 $22.50 $59.38
11472690375135598231 $11.25 $12.22 $12.22 $35.69
Smith, Larry $15.42 $8.57 $13.13 $37.11
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472584503084455519 $15.42 $8.57 $13.13 $37.11
Sumner, Chuck $0.00 $30.83 $0.00 $30.83
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472640881341765253 $0.00 $30.83 $0.00 $30.83
Tierney, John $16.25 $16.00 $11.00 $43.25
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472644019587126918 $16.25 $16.00 $11.00 $43.25
Turpin, Greg $38.35 $35.09 $51.51 $124.95
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472606170120722032 $23.13 $15.00 $13.13 $51.25
11472613226248672887 $5.67 $7.29 $5.71 $18.67
11472615168882513529 $3.18 $7.71 $26.00 $36.89
11472616656082048636 $6.38 $5.10 $6.67 $18.14
Van Der Vis, David $13.88 $26.49 $10.50 $50.86
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472703992698508956 $5.67 $0.00 $0.00 $5.67
11472705196128212637 $0.00 $4.29 $0.00 $4.29
11472702691960952475 $5.78 $12.00 $10.50 $28.28
11472706544982824606 $2.43 $10.20 $0.00 $12.63
Wallace, Steve $12.75 $10.20 $13.33 $36.28
#ID Win Place Show Total
11472586522155292257 $12.75 $10.20 $13.33 $36.28