The BC Golf 2025 Rules Education calendar has been expanded to be more relevant for members of BC Golf wishing to learn the Rules of Golf in depth and those who wish to be involved with tournament administration. Finalized dates, times and registration links will be available in February. Please monitor this page for more information and resources to be posted.

Questions can be sent to jerome@britishcolumbiagolf.org. 



All of those interested in the Rules of Golf should take the R&A Level One Education Program & Exam. Completion is mandatory for all players in BC Golf Junior events and to participate in any BC Golf Rules Education programs. Participants can follow the steps at the link below for more information: 

R&A Rules Academy



PNGA Seminars are suitable for those who want to learn the Rules of Golf in depth. Participants may or may not be interested in furthering their education with Level Two preparation. Seminars are recommended for BC Golf Level Two Preparation if you do not have a Rules of Golf foundation.

  • Weeks of February 10th to March 17th.
  • There will be 12 total sessions. Every Tuesday and Thursday, beginning Tuesday February 11th and concluding Thursday, March 20th.
  • All sessions will run from 5:30 - 7:30pm.
  • Zoom
  • Rules of Golf books will ship in late January. Participants who wish to receive their copy in advance can order their copy here.
  • Registration will open in January at this link
  • For more information on what will be covered in these seminars please click here.



BC Golf Level Two education is suitable for those who want to further their Rules of Golf education and become a referee. Participants who receive 80% or better on the Level Two exam, complete 50 hour of on-course experience as a referee, and complete an additional 10 hours of accompanying a Nationally certified Referee at a championship. 

  • Participants must register for at least one session to write the exam.
  • Participants must complete the R&A Level One certification before participating in Level Two seminars
  • Sessions will be designed to prepare participants for the Level Two exam and how to answer and respond to rules inquiries.
  • Level Two review sessions will not teach the Rules of Golf. Participants are expected to register for the seminar with a basic understanding of Rules 1-25 from the PNGA sessions above or from other resources.
  • Participants are welcome to register for both the in-person and online sessions, however there may be some overlap in content.
  • Mock online exams will be available from March 31 to April 7 on the R&A Learning Management system.
  • Participants may write the online exam in person (with their own devices) after the in-person review session.
  • Participants should order Rules of Golf books online if they do not have their own books and did not participate in the PNGA session.
  • Current BC Level Two and Level Three referees may audit the online seminar at no cost and will be asked to assist with facilitating breakout sessions. The in-person session is only available to new Level Two candidates at this time.
  • Alberta Seminars

    Alberta Golf runs introductory Rules of Golf sessions on March 5, 12, 19, 26, 7:00 – 8:30 PM MST, available as an additional resource for anyone in BC. Please contact John Deneer at john@albertagolf.org

    Alberta participants who are not able to attend an Alberta Rules education event (introductory calls or in-person Rules Seminar) may attend the BC education events.

  • Registration will open for all BC Golf seminars on Monday, February 3rd at 12PM



March 13, March 20, March 27, April 3 

Agenda: 2025 BC Golf Rules Page Event :: Online Seminar Agenda

Registration fee: $50



Monday April 7 and Tuesday April 8, Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Agenda: 2025 BC Golf Rules Page Event :: In-Person Seminar Agenda [Tentative}

Registration fee: $125



Online exams available April 7-10. Support provided by Golf Canada from 9AM to 5PM EST.

Participants may write at Shaughnessy on Tuesday, April 8th or at a location of their choosing.