Pace of Play Recommendations

To Stay on Pace

Please see RCMC Pace of Play Policy on the expectations for pace of play, and the penalties for slow play.  Each foursome is expected to complete each 9 holes in less than 2 hours and 15 minutes OR have turn times no more than 6 minutes longer than the group ahead of them.  Longer than this each member of a foursome may be subject to a one stroke penalty per side.

Here are recommendations to help keep pace of play.


  1. Know the location of the group ahead of you:  If the group ahead of you is not on the fairway (or green for a par 3) when you leave your green, you are behind.  Tell your playing partners “We are behind, and we need to catch up.”  Recognition of where you are in relation to the group ahead is the key to keeping a good pace of play.  Do not think because the group behind is not pushing you, you don’t need to keep a good pace of play.  The group behind, being behind, is not an excuse for your group to fall behind.
  2. Ready Golf:  Play Ready Golf for the entire round in Stroke Play.  This means the first person who gets to their ball should hit.  Do not wait for other players to get to their balls if they are slow getting there.  In Match Play, if behind, players should agree to waive honors and play ready golf until you resume correct position behind the group ahead of you.
  3. No HonorsIf you get to the tee box prior to the person who had the best score, or that person is taking care of other things, please go ahead with your tee shot.  The only exception is for a Hole in One or Eagle.  IF YOUR GROUP IS BEHIND, HAVE TWO PLAYERS PUTT OUT AND THEN GO AND TEE OFF THE NEXT HOLE.  THE OTHER TWO PLAYERS CAN FINISH PUTTING AND CATCH UP.
  4. Help Spotting Balls:  We do not have caddies or forecaddies.  Please help those in your foursome whenever possible to track their shot by standing behind them when they are hitting.  This is especially true when the sun is lower on the horizon.
  5. Continuous PuttingIn stroke play, please use continuous putting.  Do not mark every putt as this is a huge waste of time.  Please putt out short putts rather than marking the ball.  If behind pace In Match Play, waive rule that furthest out must putt first, and use continuous putting until back in position to the group ahead.
  6. Reading Putts:  Please try and complete your review of the green before your turn to putt whenever possible.  Be ready to place your ball and putt immediately when it is your turn.
  7. Review Your Pre-shot Routine:  If you have a longer pre-shot routine, see if you can reduce that to help a quicker pace.  Either eliminate unnecessary parts, or try to complete part of your routine before your turn.


  1. Sharing Power Cart:  When sharing a cart, go to the first ball, that player should verify yardage and shot desired, and take club(s) needed.  The other player should then take the cart and continue to their ball and be ready to hit.
  2. With Walkers:
    1. Play ready golf.  If you are at your ball before the walkers and can hit, do so.
    2. Go find your walker’s ball to help save time. 
  3. At the Green:
    1. Always take the cart to the where you will leave the green to continue to the next tee box.  This should be to the side or behind the green, but never leave carts in front of the green as this slows the group behind being able to hit their approach shots.
    2. If ball(s) are short of the green, but past the cart signs, one player should take their clubs and continue on foot, and the other should take the cart to the green then walk back.

Lost Ball and Penalty Areas:

  1. Know the Rules:  Know the USGA rules as well as RCMC Local Rules for a lost ball and a ball in a penalty area and your options when that happens.
  2. Lost Ball:
    1. Read and understand USGA Rule 18.2 for a lost ball or a ball out of bounds.  Understand your options, including USGA local rule E5 for a lost ball or ball out of bounds.
    2. If you believe your ball may be lost or out of bounds and would replay from the previous spot under stroke and distance if lost/OB, then use a Provisional Ball. If it is unknown where your ball went, then play a Provisional BallRead Rule 18.3 and understand how to play a provisional ball.
  3. Penalty Areas: 
    1. Understand USGA Rule 17 on Penalty areas and the options for a drop, including lateral drop, back online relief, and play from previous spot.  At Raccoon creek the penalty areas are not always well marked, but lakes, creeks, the driving range and areas that are not mowed are considered penalty areas.
    2. If you think a ball is lost in a penalty area keep your search brief, as in most cases hacking out the penalty area will usually cost you more strokes than using your drop options.
  4. Looking for Ball:  If you can play your shot, do so before helping in the search for another player’s ball.  If you find your ball or a playing partner’s ball, leave your hat, towel, glove, or something to mark the spot the ball was found before you leave.  It is time consuming to find a ball, walk away, then must look another minute to find it again.
  5. Lost Ball Time Limit:  Do not exceed the time to look for a lost ball which is three minutes per USGA rule 18.2.

Handicap Players:

We are open to handicapped players and are not implementing this policy to discourage you from joining us in our tournaments. We are only asking that you recognize your personal limitations by letting your cart mate drive and to help you to your ball. We ask all of our players that when you have a handicapped partner that you politely help him to keep up in any way you can.