To Make a Long Term Default Tee Box Selection

Island Silver Tees are allowed for all Members.  OFWW members can elect to play the White/Silver Combo Tees on all courses with no restrictions.  Members can utilize the Silver Tees on the, Lake, and Forest Courses if they are at least 70 or if Age plus Handicap Index totals 90 or more in Playdays and Bashes (if not restricted in the Bash rules).


If you want to update your default tee boxes for each of the courses played, click the following link and submit your request:

Update Default Tees


You will receive a confirmation when the update is completed in Golf Genius.




To Make a Temporary Change to Default Tee(s) for a specific Bash or Play Day


Log in to the Enter Scores Tab on the Golf Genius App. On the first screen you can change the Default Tee for that specific round and Course before entering scores. There will be no change to your longer term Default Tees by Course