2025 Spectator Policy
Junior Orange Bowl International Golf Championship


General Conduct
•    Spectators are always welcome and MUST walk. 
•    Your friend, child or student is attempting to play top-level competitive golf and this is NOT the time for any coaching or motivational discussions.  
•    Rulings occur among the Player(s) and JOB official(s); Spectators may observe but not engage in a ruling discussion unless asked for information by the Official.           Spectators should not argue, dispute or question the ongoing ruling. 
•    Spectators may not walk alongside a player and may not have a conversation with a player in ANY language.  
•    Quietly follow players and keep your expressions of joy (e.g., Good Shot, Nice Birdie) and/or disappointment to appropriate levels.
•    Spectators who NEED to talk with a player (for health reasons and handing them sunscreen, food or beverages) should do so in front of other spectators and/or players.  
•    Spectators should be congenial and respectful of other spectators.
•    Spectator smoking should be kept at a minimum and drinking alcoholic beverages is strongly discouraged.


Dress Code
All spectators must dress in appropriate golf attire or resort clothing of a similar nature.  All attire must also meet The Biltmore Guest guidelines.


How to Properly Follow a Group
Where you should stand, walk or follow
General Area/Teeing Area
•    Follow your players from a distance (at least 25 yards) and stay in the rough/on the cart paths.  
•    You should NOT be in the fairway. 
•    Do not stand on the teeing area or directly behind the player.  Stay to the side of the action and remain still and quiet while all players play.
•    Do not lag behind the participants as this often delays the group behind.
•    Move forward to the putting green when all shots have been completed.
Putting Green - Spectators must never be on the putting surface and should observe the putting green from a reasonable distance that will not interfere with the players or indicate line of play.
Looking for Balls - Please help spot balls for all players. Spectators are encouraged to watch each player's shot closely and may assist searching for a lost ball during the THREE-minute search period.

Cell Phone Use
Cell phones should not be used on the course. Please turn off all electronic devices or set them to silent. Calls may be returned at the clubhouse or at Comfort Stations by cell phone at a later time.

Repeated abuse or blatant disregard of the policy may result in being asked to leave to golf course.