Corhampton GC Open Split Sixes event
- ENTRY Fee: £160 - £240 per team of four (£40 members, £60 visitors). with buffet and dessert after play and an excellent prize table.
- The competition is open to amateur ladies & male with an official WHS handicap index. Maximum Course Handicap men 28 (handicap index 25.5 to 26.3), ladies 36 (handicap index 31.6 to 32.4).
- Open to amateur ladies and male with an official WHS handicap index. WHS handicap index ref must be provided.
Teams of four – best 2 stableford scores on 1st six holes (1-6), best 3 stableford scores on 2nd six holes (7-12), and all 4 stableford scores on the last 6 holes (13-18)
Ties will be decided using the normal countback system. In the event of any queries the decision of the Competitions Committee is final.
- Handicap Allowance 90% of Course Handicap. Gents Orange Tees and Card, Ladies Purple Tees and Card.
Payment is requested via BACS, please add your name and ‘S6’s as the reference.
BACS details are Corhampton Golf Club, Sort Code: 16-19-28, Bank Account No: 10029265
The closing date for entries is Monday, 23rd June 2025. No entry fees will be refunded after the closing date unless a replacement team can be found.
Tee times will be between 8.30 and 13:00. These will be drawn after the closing date and Teams will be notified of their Start Times