(Revision: Sept. 2022)




Board of Directors


1.1   MGA Board of Directors.


The MGA Board of Directors is composed of the following:


  1. President                                 
  2. RP Cup Director                     
  3. Social Director                        
  4. Treasurer                                 
  5. Tournament Director              
  6. Communications Director
  7. Food & Beverage                    
  8. Handicap Chairman                
  9. Superintendent Liason            
  10. Immediate Past President


If the Immediate Past President does not serve as a member of the Board of Directors or if there is no Immediate Past President, the President shall appoint another Regular Member to serve on the Board of Directors.


1.2   Eligibility.


A person is eligible, to be elected or appointed,  to be a member of the Board of Directors if he is a RegularMember of the MGA and is in good and active standing.



Officers and Board of Directors; Terms; Vacancies


2.1  MGA Board of Directors


The term of office of a member of the MGA Board of Directors is three (3) years.


The President, Immediate Past President, Food & Beverage Director, and Handicap Chairman serve for a three (3) year term beginning on January 1 of 2021 and expiring on December 31, 2023 upon which a new 3-year term will begin for each successor who is duly elected and installed thereafter.


The Social Director, RP Cup Director, and Tournament Director serve for a three (3) year term beginning on January 1 of 2020 and expiring on December 31, 2022 upon which a new 3-year term will begin for each successor who is duly elected and installed thereafter.


The Treasurer, Communications Director, and Superintendent Liason serve for a three (3) year term beginning on January 1 of 2019 and expiring on December 31, 2021, upon which a new 3-year terms will begin for each successor who is duly elected and installed thereafter.


In the event an MGA Board of Director’s first three-year term is expiring and wishes to remain in that position, the member may do so upon unanimous consent by the MGA Board of Directors.


2.2   Vacancies.


If a vacancy occurs in an office, or otherwise, on the Board of Directors, the Board, by majority vote, shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term. Thereafter the position shall be filled as provided by these Bylaws.


2.3   Removal.


Any officer elected or appointed by the Board of Directors may be removed by the Board of Directors whenever in its judgment the best interests of the association would be served thereby.



Election of Officers and Non-Officer Members of the Board of Directors


3.1  Nominating Committee; Duties.


      1. The Nomination Committee is composed of the Immediate Past President and two (2) additional Regular Members in good standing appointed by the Board of Directors. In the absence or inability of the ImmediatePast President, the President shall appoint a Regular Member in good standing to serve on and preside at a meeting of the Nominating Committee


      1. Except for the Immediate Past President position and positions filled with unanimous consent in accordance with Section 2.1 above:


        1. In September of each year, the Nominating Committee shall send notice to the MGA and accept nominations for positions on the MGA Board of Directors expiring December 31st of that year;
        2. Not later than October 15, the Nominating Committee shall meet to nominate not less than one (1)person for each office and position on the MGA Board of Directors from among the Regular or Associate Members in good standing;
        3. The Nominating Committee shall certify its nominations to the Board of Directors not later thanNovember 15;
        4. A member of the Board of Directors may nominate a person other than one nominated by the Nominating Committee to be elected an officer of the Association.
        5. In the event that there are more total nominees for the position on the MGA Board of Directorsthan available positions, all the nominees shall run at large and the nominees who receive thehighest number of votes from the Board of Directors will be elected to the available positions.


3.2   Board of Directors Approval of Officers, Non-Officer Nominees; Additional Nominations.


At the last meeting of the Board of Directors each year, the President shall submit to the Board of Directors the name of each person selected by the nominating Committee as a nominee for election as a member of the Board of Directors. If no additional nomination has been made as provided by this Section, each person nominated bythe Nominating Committee is approved. If a valid additional nomination is made as provided by this Article, the President shall submit that nomination to the membership and conduct a vote on the issue. To be approved, a nominee must receive a majority of the votes cast.





4.1  Board of Directors


The Board of Directors shall meet at least quarterly and shall meet otherwise at the call of the President. Five (5) members constitute a quorum and action taken is official if it receives a majority of votes cast at a meeting at which a quorum is present. In the case of a tie, the issue fails.


4.2  Telephone and Electronic Meetings.


The Board of Directors may meet by telephone conference or shared email. The quorum and vote requirements are the same as those applicable to meetings in person.






5.1  Committees.


The MGA Board of Directors, by resolution adopted by a majority of the directors in office, may designate and appoint one or more committees as deemed necessary.  The MGA Board of Directors shall name one-memberchairman of each committee.



Amendment of Bylaws


6.1  Amendment.


These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. A vote to amend these Bylaws shall be presented to the membership and is final unless reversed by a majority vote of the Regular Voting Members.