Mixed Team Format



  1. Each team shall consist of one male and one female competitor.
  2. Each team member will play their initial stroke from the indicated tees.
  3. Distance of Tees:
    1. Men will play from approximately 6,000 yards. (TBD Blue tees)
    2. Women will play from approximately  4,800 yards. (TBD - Red tees)
  4. If a provisional ball is to be put into play the player will be responsible for putting the ball into play from their respective teeing area.  For example, when the male hits his ball into the trees, the male partner will declare a provisional and may continue until a ball is in play. 
  5. Each member of the team should try to get a ball into play from the teeing ground.
    1. following tee shot, team members will exchange balls and play partner's ball until it is on the green.
    2. when two balls are on the green, the team will decide which ball to hole out with and will play alternate strokes beginning with the player who did not play that ball onto the green.
    3. If there is only one ball on the green, the player who did not play the ball onto the green will begin putting and alternate strokes until the ball is holed.
    4. REMEMBER: on the putting green, a player may not play 2 consecutive strokes. If the player does, the team is penalized 1 stroke, the ball must be replaced, and the other partner must play the ball.
  6. The score for each hole will include the total number of strokes taken with the ball that is holed out including penalty strokes.
  7. The score for the team is the first ball holed.  Example: If one team member is putting for a birdie (3) on a Par 4, and the other person is chipping onto the green for a 6, if the ball being chipped on is holed, a 6 will count for the team's score.
  8. Teams will be flighted after the first round.
    1. Top three teams in each flight will be awarded prizes based on gross scores.
    2. Low Net is calculated taking the combined Team Handicap divided by 2 for the set of tees being played.
  9. The Mixed Team Championship is awarded to the team with the lowest gross score over two days.
    1. NOTE: for example, a team in the 2nd flight can win the event if they have the lowest two day total.
    2. Have fun, laugh a lot, and smile because you love the game!
  10. Please note: Alcohol is allowed on the course under the guidelines of the SK Liquor Act.


Men's - Golf Kenosee (Blue Tees) 

Women's - Red tees: 


 Golf Kenosee 


4 301
5 393
4 274
4 227
3 99
5 433
4 305
3 122
4 288
36 2,442
5 402
4 245
5 368
4 282
3 156
4 294
4 252
4 312
3 102
36 2,430