Crag Burn Golf Club

2 Man Scratch Better Ball Invitational

In Memoriam of Bert Nash


June 20-21, 2025
Championship Flight 54 Holes
Senior, Super Senior, & Legends 36 Holes


Friday, June 20:

Breakfast starts at 6:00, Lunch after first round

Tee Times 7:00 till 2:30

Championship Flight 36 holes, Senior & Super Senior Flight afternoon 18 holes only


Saturday, June 21:
Breakfast starts at 6:00
Tee Times 7:00 till 12:00

Championship Flight 18 holes, Senior & Super Senior Flight 18 holes

- Practice round available any day the week of the tournament. 


- To qualify for the Senior Division. Both players must be 50 by June 19, 2025.
- To qualify for the Super Senior Division, both players must be 60 by June 19, 2025

- To qualify for the Legends Division, both players must be 70 by June 19, 2025


Championship Flight winner must be Member/Guest or an invited Non-Member Team.


- Championship: 6900-7150 YARDS
- Senior (50 - 59): 6500-6650 YARDS
- Super Senior (60 - 69) 6100-6350 YARDS

- Legends (70+) 5800-6100 YARDS


Entries Due by May 18, 2025 – Members will be given entry preference until April 20, after
that point invites will be sent out to non-Member teams. Once entries are received the
Committee will set field and inform accepted entrants by May 20.


Email or

call the golf shop at (716) 655 0000x1 with any questions