AOC ICT North 2024/2025, Team Standings

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Rank Teams Total Points Team Members
1 Durham C 18.50 Jake Morgan-Scott | Jonathan Noble | Kayla Hall | Morgan Bailey
T2 Durham B 15.00 Jack Crampton | Josh White | Matthew Bennett | William Megginson
T2 Myerscough A 15.00 Alex Wigley | Alfie Hall | Daniel Hembest | Matthew Griffiths
4 Durham A 14.50 Ben Mawson | Evan Oliver | Jessica Dorritt | Roan Smith
5 Myerscough C 10.00 Archie Rees | Brody Bateson | George Herbert | Jake Milligan | Kian Mcle...
T6 Myerscough B 8.00 Ben Chesworth | Charley Jackson | George Herbert | Jack Timpson
T6 Wath A 8.00 Dylan Graveling | Ethan Clark | Jonty Butcher | Will Bracha
8 Wath B 3.00 Dee Pyatt | Harrison Hall | Joel Johnson | Layla Hitchiner
9 Middlesbrough A 2.00 Alfie Baldwin | Kye Boutell | Lewis Beadle | Timothy James
10 Wyke A 1.00 James Williamson | Ollie Spencer | Seth Fairbirn | Tom Anderson
T11 Loughborough A 0.00 Callum Porter | Daniel Carr | Gabbie Crowfoot | Henry Hunter | Yasmin Bass
T11 Middlesbrough B 0.00 Andrew Hill | Harry Adams | Joe Cheesebrough | Toby Mitford
Totals: 95.00