Player Event Standings

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Player Times Played Avg. Gross Avg. Net Low Gross Low Net
James Buttenshaw 1 80.0 63.0 80.0 63.0
Brock Wade-Weston 1 71.0 56.0 71.0 56.0
Chris Howard 1 78.0 62.0 78.0 62.0
Dan Mollica 1 83.0 74.0 83.0 74.0
John Porter 1 92.0 71.0 92.0 71.0
Yong Huang 1 92.0 69.0 92.0 69.0
Grant Murray 1 102.0 85.0 102.0 85.0
Andrew Badke 1 92.0 77.0 92.0 77.0
Nigel Martin 1 103.0 79.0 103.0 79.0
Nicholas Daniels 1 84.0 73.0 84.0 73.0
Shaun McDonald 1 87.0 68.0 87.0 68.0
Matthew McDonald 1 94.0 68.0 94.0 68.0
Brenton Canning 1 90.0 67.0 90.0 67.0
Troy Dunwoody 1 85.0 73.0 85.0 73.0
Todd Dunwoody 1 92.0 81.0 92.0 81.0
Sam Nowlan 1 94.0 75.0 94.0 75.0
Joel Barnett 1 93.0 65.0 93.0 65.0
Blake Simpkins 1 78.0 68.0 78.0 68.0
Dan Jones 1 103.0 83.0 103.0 83.0
Andrew Kaddatz 1 90.0 72.0 90.0 72.0
Richardt Botha 1 65.0 50.0 65.0 50.0
George Veneris 1 102.0 82.0 102.0 82.0
Joel Palmer 1 96.0 81.0 96.0 81.0
John Taylor 1 114.0 92.0 114.0 92.0
Ian Bellion 1 74.0 64.0 74.0 64.0
Mitch Street 1 74.0 70.0 74.0 70.0
Nick Wood 1 99.0 77.0 99.0 77.0
Alexander Briggs 1 73.0 67.0 73.0 67.0
Paul Audley 1 93.0 72.0 93.0 72.0
Harry Hattingh 1 91.0 77.0 91.0 77.0
James Teelow 1 101.0 79.0 101.0 79.0
David Rajasingham 1 92.0 74.0 92.0 74.0
Matthew Biles 1 86.0 66.0 86.0 66.0
Daniel Perkinson 1 69.0 55.0 69.0 55.0
Jerry Neho 1 83.0 60.0 83.0 60.0
Michael Buist 1 86.0 73.0 86.0 73.0
Ben Walker 1 93.0 74.0 93.0 74.0
Travis Nielsen 1 82.0 71.0 82.0 71.0
Christopher Wood 1 90.0 65.0 90.0 65.0
Daniel Haack 1 95.0 78.0 95.0 78.0