Player Event Standings

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Player Times Played Avg. Gross Avg. Net Low Gross Low Net
Simon Looi 1 90.0 73.0 90.0 73.0
Luke Whyte 1 51.0 44.0 51.0 44.0
Callen McKay 1 80.0 70.0 80.0 70.0
Tom Luu 1 78.0 65.0 78.0 65.0
Luke Owen 1 68.0 63.0 68.0 63.0
Stuart Ward 1 74.0 58.0 74.0 58.0
Ash Ray 1 67.0 43.0 67.0 43.0
Reece Whitehead 1 83.0 73.0 83.0 73.0
Jacob Hoskins 1 79.0 73.0 79.0 73.0
Nicholas Kordic 1 87.0 76.0 87.0 76.0
Steven Balloch 1 79.0 73.0 79.0 73.0
Jack Denyer 1 82.0 74.0 82.0 74.0
Peter Clark 1 74.0 69.0 74.0 69.0
Cian Loy 1 84.0 58.0 84.0 58.0
Dean Conlon 1 80.0 65.0 80.0 65.0
Keith Newman 1 82.0 69.0 82.0 69.0
Anthony Gordon 1 74.0 55.0 74.0 55.0
Matthew Walters 1 64.0 51.0 64.0 51.0
JACOB HERRICK 1 83.0 69.0 83.0 69.0
Jaben Heyworth 1 95.0 71.0 95.0 71.0
Oscar Heyworth 1 75.0 59.0 75.0 59.0
Andrew Acciarito 1 85.0 64.0 85.0 64.0
Ryan Danaher 1 79.0 69.0 79.0 69.0
Zak Wilford 1 77.0 66.0 77.0 66.0
Leigh Alford 1 82.0 71.0 82.0 71.0
David Winstone 1 77.0 69.0 77.0 69.0
Anthony Monaghan 1 60.0 48.0 60.0 48.0
Tim Halpin 1 80.0 70.0 80.0 70.0
Ash Wood 1 108.0 81.0 108.0 81.0
Damian OConnor 1 125.0 89.0 125.0 89.0
Steve Hineman 1 84.0 68.0 84.0 68.0
Joshua Leicht 1 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0
Paul McGrath 1 68.0 58.0 68.0 58.0
Gabriel Picnic 1 92.0 77.0 92.0 77.0
Terry Mattison 1 80.0 61.0 80.0 61.0
Samuel Voss 1 69.0 50.0 69.0 50.0
Rene Jaramillo 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Anthony Castro 1 83.0 73.0 83.0 73.0
Brian Day 1 80.0 57.0 80.0 57.0
Shannon Barden 1 84.0 69.0 84.0 69.0
David Hickman 1 80.0 77.0 80.0 77.0
Cameron Youl 1 79.0 53.0 79.0 53.0
Bill Peppard 1 79.0 61.0 79.0 61.0
Ben Adam 1 84.0 74.0 84.0 74.0
Brice Giacomantonio 1 78.0 61.0 78.0 61.0
Alexander Taylor 1 86.0 79.0 86.0 79.0
Haydon Solomano 1 94.0 72.0 94.0 72.0
David Kennedy 1 83.0 66.0 83.0 66.0
Liam Triffitt 1 82.0 69.0 82.0 69.0
Maliq Maideen 1 107.0 78.0 107.0 78.0
Bailey Holmes 1 62.0 48.0 62.0 48.0
Alex Bone 1 81.0 74.0 81.0 74.0
Yaakov Belfer 1 81.0 67.0 81.0 67.0
Lachlan Cranitch 1 83.0 57.0 83.0 57.0
Terry Smyth 1 80.0 62.0 80.0 62.0
Noel Gilligan 1 88.0 70.0 88.0 70.0
Peter Bowden 1 82.0 61.0 82.0 61.0
Cody Jones 1 72.0 59.0 72.0 59.0
Justin Hinch 1 89.0 70.0 89.0 70.0