
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™ Division
Adamson, Sid 3.7 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Admire, Curt 10.0 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Aguirre, Alex 6.7 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Andrews, Neal 8.7 Super Senior Division (must be 65 or over - men play the gold tees - women the red tees)
Barnes, Mike 2.4 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Blaich, Chris 7.1 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Cameron, Jim 20.2 Super Senior Division (must be 65 or over - men play the gold tees - women the red tees)
Carlton, Ted 11.8 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Cochran, Dallas 14.7 Super Senior Division (must be 65 or over - men play the gold tees - women the red tees)
Coker, Keith 6.9 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Cooper, Bill 8.0 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Cooper, Mark 5.2 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Cummings, Jay 12.4 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Davila, Nick 7.8 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Davis, Alan 14.4 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
DeFeo, Dom 6.3 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Downing, Alex +3.1 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Downing, Ray 15.9 Super Senior Division (must be 65 or over - men play the gold tees - women the red tees)
Enevoldsen, Nick 13.0 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Erholtz, Dan 11.8 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Foxworthy, Jerry 10.5 Super Senior Division (must be 65 or over - men play the gold tees - women the red tees)
Gilmore, Cecil 17.2 Super Senior Division (must be 65 or over - men play the gold tees - women the red tees)
Gould, Tad 10.6 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Graham, Bill 13.3 Super Senior Division (must be 65 or over - men play the gold tees - women the red tees)
Hagelin, Chris 6.7 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Harris, Jerry 17.2 Super Senior Division (must be 65 or over - men play the gold tees - women the red tees)
Hill, Jason 3.2 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Holmes, Troy 6.0 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Hull, Jason 7.2 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Huntley, Eric 17.6 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Johns, Dick 16.8 Super Senior Division (must be 65 or over - men play the gold tees - women the red tees)
Juarez, Ron 14.7 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Kelley, Steve 12.9 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Lecoque, Donnie 16.0 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Lierz, Troy 3.0 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Lindemann, Josh 10.1 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Loseke, Kyle 11.0 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Mann, Butch 16.2 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Marron, Max 15.6 Super Senior Division (must be 65 or over - men play the gold tees - women the red tees)
Matthews, Mike 2.0 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Miller, Matt +1.3 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Moberg, Steve 6.7 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Morgan, Dan 4.2 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Morley, Chad 16.3 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Needels, Ty +2.3 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Olson, Tony +1.8 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Reisner, Eric 3.1 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Rich, Steve 15.2 Super Senior Division (must be 65 or over - men play the gold tees - women the red tees)
Schroer, Michael 16.6 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Seal, Mike 13.0 Super Senior Division (must be 65 or over - men play the gold tees - women the red tees)
Sharp, Chris 6.2 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Shoaf, Danny 13.8 Super Senior Division (must be 65 or over - men play the gold tees - women the red tees)
Simpson, Nathan 18.1 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Smith, Jason +0.7 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Smith, Peyton +6.9 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Smith, Tanner 14.5 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Stoltman, Tyler 18.6 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Turney, Toby 4.7 Open Division (men play the blue tees - women the red tees)
Whitworth, George 6.5 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)
Zeller, Frank 17.6 Senior Division (must be 50 or over - men play the white tees - women the red tees)