NEW2024-Golf-Technical-Package_1.pdf ( 


Golf Technical Package
Hosted By: Lac La Ronge Indian Band August 10TH – 16th, 2024


Sport Delivery Plan

1.0 Terms of Reference:
The Sport Organizing Committee (SOC) is responsible for the development and implementation of a 
plan for each sport. The plan communicates the needs, requirements, responsibility guidelines, and 
other functions.
Each plan will indentify the facilities and contracting responsibilities, sport technical requirements 
including results and medal presentations, specific venue needs and support requirements such as 
medical, transportation and storage.


2.0 Contact Information:
Sport: GOLF
Sport Contact: Brian Lee

Address: 510 Cynthia Street, Saskatoon, SK S7L7K7
Tel: 306-975-0841 and/or 306-975-0834
Email: or


3.1 Competition Dates: August 13th -14th, 2024
3.1.1 Monday - Practice Round
3.1.2 Competition – Tuesday and Wednesday (Thursday if needed due to weather - not applicable)
3.2 Venue: Eagle Point Resort, La Ronge


4.1 Number of Competitors Per Team:
4.1.1 Each Tribal Council / Team allowed 8 total athletes
4.1.2 Each division has 2 male & 2 female MALE: 17U & 15U (teams of 2 for a total of 4) FEMALE: 17U & 15U (teams of 2 for a total of 4)
4.2 Coaches:
4.2.1 Each tribal council must have a minimum of 1 male and 1 female coach.
4.2.2 Managers may be of either gender.
4.3 Alternates:
4.3.1 Should the placement of the alternate become necessary due to injury, illness or absenteeism from the team prior to the commencement of the games being
4.3.2 (TBD at the coaches/team/scratch meeting).
4.3.3 The maximum number of players that will be eligible to be registered participants of the games, issued accreditation and compete shall not exceed 3 male and 3 female athletes per age category.


17U Male/Female Born 2007/2008
15U Male/Female Born 2009/2010


5.1 *Athletes may only be 1 year younger than the youngest age group. No one born in 2007 or 
later will be allowed to participate in Golf at the games, unless an exemption or agreement 
from at least 50% of the participating Tribal Council’s agreeing to waive clause (5.2).
5.2 An athlete may move up 1 age division but not down. For example, a 2009 player can play with 
the 17U category.
5.3 Note 2: A team may consist of 1 player.


6.1 The Saskatchewan First Nation Summer Games shall be open to Saskatchewan Residents who 
are of Status Indian Ancestry.
6.1.1 Athlete treaty numbers are required as proof.
6.2 All athletes must compete with their respective member Tribal/Grand council teams.
6.3 All athletes must be a member of a First Nation within the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian 
Nations (FSIN).
6.4 Transfer of Status Indians to another Tribal /Grand council is allowed as per Saskatchewan First 
Nation Winter and Summer Technical Manual RESIDENCY clause.


7.1.1 All athletes, coaches and managers must be registered with the Golf Saskatchewan.
7.1.2 A sanctioning fee per participant and coach & manager = $63.00 each
7.1.3 Each team is required to complete the attached registration form.
7.1.4 The registration form is to be submitted to the Golf Saskatchewan and the FSIN SCYR Department no later than July 11th, 2024.
7.2.1 Any staff listed as a coach/manager on the official registration must be sanctioned 
through Golf Saskatchewan.
7.2.2 Note: the coach does not have to be a member of the PGA of Saskatchewan (Golf Professional)
7.2.3 ACM – Aboriginal Coaches Manual
7.3.1 Each Tribal/ Grand Council is responsible to send completed registration forms and 
payment directly to Golf Saskatchewan. Registration form is attached to this technical package.
7.3.2 Payment for registration must be issued on ONE Cheque per Tribal/Grand Council.
7.3.3 Payment and registration are due to the Golf Saskatchewan no later than TBD.


8.1 The athletes in the U17 Female and U15 Female and Male will play 9 holes each day.
8.2 U17 male athletes will play 18 holes.
8.3.1 2 person Stableford Scramble each day.
8.3.2 The team with the highest Stableford point total (scores) will be the champions over the 
2 days.
8.4 RULES:
8.4.1 As per the Golf Canada Rules of Golf 2024
8.4.2 Parents/Guardians/Spectators/Coaches Code of Conduct They MUST not coach participants (tell her/him how to play a shot). They MUST stay 30 feet away from participants while a shot is being played. Competitors may be penalized if coached by spectators/parents/or the like 
during play.
• 1st Offence – warning to the Tribal Council, Player(s) involved
• 2nd Offence – 2 stroke penalty to the Player(s) involved
• 3rd Offence – possible disqualification of the Player(s) and removal of the coach/parent/spectator involved in the incident. The item will be written up as a follow-up for the Games Committee to review on at another time.
8.5 Transportation:
8.5.1 Participants must walk and can use a pull cart or Riksha*.


9.1 Modified Stableford Point System – based on the Team Scramble
Triple Bogey 0 Points – player is required to pick up the ball


Example: A player playing a Par 4 has already played her/his 6th shot and is 100 yards away from the putting green. Please pick up the ball and proceed to the green as 0 points will be recorded for the player/team for that hole.

  • Double Bogey 1 Point
  • Bogey 2 Points
  • Par 3 Points
  • Birdie 5 Points
  • Eagle 8 Points
  • Double Eagle 10 Points


10.1 Sport Protests:
10.1.1 The Rules of Golf cover all aspects of the competition. The event is sanctioned under the Golf Canada Rules of Golf and will determine the outcome all related golf protests. 
The decision made by the Golf SK Rules Committee is final.
10.1.2 To re-confirm, protests are allowed for non-rules of golf application(s) only.
10.1.3 All non-golf related protests must be made to the head rules official, FSIN and the tournament chairperson to make a decision.
10.1.4 A Sport Jury will consist of head official or designated Golf SK Rules Official, FSIN and a Golf Saskatchewan representative.
10.2 Eligibility Protests:
10.2.1 The FSIN Sport, Culture, Youth and Recreation Board will act as the Jury for all protests dealing with the eligibility of Athletes.
10.2.2 All protests must be communicated to the FSIN Games Coordinator no later than 15 minutes after the close of the competition.
10.2.3 Protests must be signed by the Team Sport Contact/ Chef-de-Mission or his/her mission staff designate of the participating team. This designate must be submitted in writing.
10.2.4 All protests will be accepted with no explanation from the Board. All protests must be dealt with within 15 minutes of the game ending or game stands as posted.
10.2.5 A fee of $500.00 will be in place for all protests. This fee will be given directly to the FSIN Games Managers or Technical Director for Golf. Cash will be the only accepted form of payment. This fee will be put toward the Youth Championships if the protest is lost. Protest fee will be returned if the protest is won by the Team protesting.


11.1 Equipment/Food/Water:
11.1.1 Each player is responsible for providing her/his own equipment
11.1.2 Players may use pull or push carts
11.1.3 Rental clubs will be available at the responsibility of the participant
11.1.4 Use of power carts is not allowed *
11.1.5 No more than 14 clubs in a competitor’s bag.
11.1.6 Food/snacks/water/beverages are the responsibility of each Tribal Council unless the Games council provides the details.
11.2 Competitive Uniform:
11.2.1 Each team must have matching uniform (ie, golf shirts with Tribal Council logo or print)
11.2.2 A dress code is in effect, collared or mock shirts, shorts or dress pants (jeans, t-shirts, 
tank tops, sweats, track suits are not appropriate).
11.2.3 Caps/hats may be worn, but must be worn forward at all times.
11.2.4 Appropriate athletic footwear must be worn at all times (Golf Shoes or Running Shoes).
11.2.5 Golf Saskatchewan will enforce the 11.2 using common sense
11.3 Uniform Colors
11.3.1 Teams shall select appropriate walk on and competition uniforms adhering to the color 
schemes approved by the FSIN SCYR Board. The approved color schemes are as follows:


Tribal/ Grand Council Colors
ACTC Gold – black and white trim
BATC Red – white trim
BOFN Red – black and white trim
BRFN Blue – white and green trim
BTC Maroon – gold trim
FHQTC Green – grey and white trim
MLTC Blue – white and gold trim
OLFN Black – white and gold trim
PAGC Navy blue – white trim
STC Navy blue – red, gold and white trim
SET4TC Red – white and blue trim
TATC Navy – red and white trim
Woodland Forest green – grey, white and black trim
YTC Teal/black – grey/white and black trim
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12.1 Major Officials include one (1) provincially accredited Level II Rules Officials & one (1) Golf Saskatchewan Tournament Administrator.
12.2 Minor Officials include 1 starter, 1 scorer, forecaddies (spotters) as required, and 1 scorer with each group, from the host club, FDFN Host Games or other volunteers if they are available.
12.3 Golf Saskatchewan needs 4 people from the Host Venue/Committee to assist.


13.1 12 Gold, 12 Silver, 12 Bronze
13.2 *NO TIES will be allowed so a playoff may be required.


14.1 A minimum of one First Responder will be on location at each venue at all competition times. 
The First Responder will be equipped with a First Aid Kit.


15.1 A minimum of one security personnel will be on location at the venue at all competition times.


FSIN Information: Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations Sport, Culture, Youth and Recreation Department


Name: April Tipewan
Address: 10-134 Kahkewistahaw Cresent 
Saskatoon, SK S7R 0M9
Telephone: 1-306-841-7326


PSGB Information: Golf Saskatchewan
Name: Brian Lee
Address: 510 Cynthia Street, Saskatoon, SK S7L7K7
Telephone: 3062915260


Games Manager Information: Lac La Ronge Indian Band Director of Sport, Culture and Recreation
Name: Kevin Roberts
Address: 409 Far Reserve Road, La Ronge, Sk. S0J 1L0
Telephone: (306)420-7529

The below signatures are to certify that this technical manual has been approved in its entirety by the 
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Sport, Culture, Youth and Recreation Board, the Games Manager 
and the Provincial Sport Governing Body Representative.


MEETING DATE: July 12, 2024
SPORT MANAGER: Devin Bernatchez/Jerry Christensen/Mitch


Male and Female Golf Team Registration Form
Coach Name: Date of Birth: Age:
Address: City/Town: Postal:
Phone: ( ) Email:


Player Name: Date of Birth: Age:
Address: City/Town: Postal:
Phone: ( )


Player Name: Date of Birth: Age:
Address: City/Town: Postal:
Phone: ( )


Player Name: Date of Birth: Age:
Address: City/Town: Postal:
Phone: ( )


Player Name: Date of Birth: Age:
Address: City/Town: Postal:
Phone: ( )


Team/Tribal Council:

Player Name: Date of Birth: Age:
Address: City/Town: Postal:
Phone: ( )


Player Name: Date of Birth: Age:
Address: City/Town: Postal:
Phone: ( )


Player Name: Date of Birth: Age:
Address: City/Town: Postal:
Phone: ( )


Player Name: Date of Birth: Age:
Address: City/Town: Postal:
Phone: ( )


Affiliation fee to register a team is $63.00 per player. Number of Players: X $63.00 = ________