These must be read in conjunction with the GI Hard Card


Out of Bounds (Rule 18):

Right of 1st Hole as defined by Stone Wall.  The course side of boundary walls define Out of Bounds. A ball is deemed to be Out of Bounds if it has come to rest on or over one of the stone boundary walls.

Car Park defined by Hard Surface; and the Clubhouse and its enclosure as defined by Fence, Kerbing and/ or a White Line.


Integral Parts of the Course:

Bridges; Stakes & Support Wires adjacent to inside of boundary walls and fences. Old stone walls other than boundary walls, standing or collapsed. Stone structures adjacent to 4th and 15th greens.  The kiln and style on the 6th.  Embedded stones not in closely mown area are part of the general area.



Immoveable Obstructions (Rule 16):

Boundary walls that have collapsed onto course. Stones on the course side of a boundary wall that are connected (ie can be traced by a path of touching stones) to the wall are Immovable Obstructions. 

Embedded stones in closely mown areas.


Greenkeeper’s Cuttings:                                                  

There are no Greenkeeper’s Cuttings piled for removal.