Generation Rising
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Where: 1591 South Fiske Blvd. Rockledge, Fl. 32955
When: Saturday, 17 August 2024, Registration 7:00 am-7:45 am,
8:00 am Shot Gun Start
Format: 4 Person Best Ball Scramble (Singles can sign up & be partnered at scramble)
Price: $ 70.00 per person
Tickets will be sold for a $1000 drawing
Longest Drive wins 5 tickets for $1000 drawing
Closest to the pin wins 5 tickets for $1000 drawing
Winning team receives a prize
Mulligans available for purchase
Putting & chipping contest
Payment options:
Paypal (
or mail to:
Generation Rising
333 Crockett Blvd. PO Box 543354
Merritt Island, FL 32954
Use the registration link to sign up soon!
Reply to: Jennifer McDowell @ 321-292-4358 or
- No personal coolers – all food and beverage purchases must be through
the course concessionaire. - Golf Course employees will set up markers for “longest drive” and
“closest to the pin”. - Golf course employees will be responsible for all hole assignments and
will lead you to the hole you begin on. - No refunds for “no-shows”.
Dress code: Collared shirt - No jeans
- No cut-off shorts
- No metal spikes
- Mulligans can be used anywhere on the course. They cannot be used to win a prize. Maximum 2 per side/per player.