第29回 日本障害者オープンゴルフ選手権
The 29th Japan Open Championship for People with Disabilities
English description below the page!
エントリーはこちらから www.golfgenius.com/ggid/uprd98/register
第29回 日本障害者オープンゴルフ選手権開催要項
1. 日 時 令和6年11月10日(日)〜12日(火) 10日前夜祭 11日〜12日競技
2. 会 場
競 技 麻生飯塚ゴルフ倶楽部 〒820-0609 福岡県嘉穂郡桂川町吉隈120
前夜祭 のがみプレジデントホテル 〒820-0004 福岡県飯塚市新立岩12-37
3. 主 催 特定非営利活動法人日本障害者ゴルフ協会
4. 後 援(予定)
スポーツ庁/福岡県/飯塚市/嘉麻市/桂川町/(公財)日本ゴルフ協会/(公財)日本パラスポーツ協会/ (社福)全国社会福祉協議会・全国社会就労センター協議会他
5. 競技方法
クラスの区分 グランプリの部/上肢障害の部/下肢障害の部/片マヒ障害の部/重複障害の部/軽度障害の部 / 車いすの部 / 知的障害の部(知的障害の部の試合は12日18ホー ルのみ。プレーは2日間プレー可)/ボランティアの部
※グランプリの部出場資格は従来のハンデインデックス15.0以下から19.4以下に引き上げ、WR4GD パス取得者もしくは協会が認めた方に限る。
6. 参加費 障害者43,000円 健常者45,000円 (前夜祭 キャディ付き乗用カート2プレー、2昼食、表彰式パーティ代、賞品代、保険料、事務費含む) ※宿泊費は別途となります。
7. ホテル
新飯塚ステーションホテル 〒820-0018 福岡県飯塚市芳雄町 4-20
シングル 税込6,910円、朝食無し(朝食は別途600円)
のがみプレジデントホテル 〒820-0004 福岡県飯塚市新立岩12-37
シングル 税込8,000円、朝食無し(朝食は別途500円)
ツイン税込16,000, 朝食無し(朝食は別途1人500円)
8. 参加資格
9. 定 員 70名まで(うち外国選手10名。定員になり次第締切るものとする)
10. 表 彰
(1) クラス別 各クラスとも1位を表彰
(2) グランプリ部門 優勝—3位を表彰。
11. キャンセル料 10月31日までは事務費として参加費から2000円を引いた額をお返しします。11月1日からはキャンセル料として参加費全額をいただきます。
受付期限 申込期限 令和6年9月30日(月) 参加費振込 令和6年10月15日(火)
振込先 城南信用金庫 碑衾(ヒブスマ)支店 普通預金 633679 口座名 特定非営利活動法人日本障害者ゴルフ協会スポーツ振興基金助成口 |
The 29th Japan Open Golf Championship
for People with Disabilities
2024 November 10th—12th
Aso Iizuka Golf Club
120 Yoshikuma, Keisen, Kaho District, Fukuoka 820-0609
TEL +81-(0)948-65-1155
Entry to: Japan Disabled Golf Association
D-1205 2-1-3 Fukazawa Setagaya-ku Tokyo Japan 158-0081
TEL 81-(0)439-70-5130 FAX 81-(0)439-37-2205
Email summer.jdga@gmail.com
Registration link: www.golfgenius.com/ggid/uprd98/register
TOURNAMENT A 36 hole stroke play (scratch tournament). Players compete in 11 divisions: (1)upper limb disability, (2)lower limb disability, (3)multiple disabilities, (4)mild disability, (5)seated, (6)intellectual disability*, (7)people recovered from stroke, (8) women, (9)Grand Prix, (10) volunteer men, (11) volunteer women. Each division must have at least five participants to hold the competition. The top three players of each division will be prized. The winner of the Grand Prix division will be awarded as the Champion of the Japan Open. First-time participants will have an interview with classifiers before or after the welcome dinner on November 10th to be classified.
*(6) intellectual disability division players on Day 2 of the tournament but may play both days.
*Grand Prix division entry requests must be made in advance
ORGANIZER Japan Disabled Golf Association (JDGA)
SUPPORTERS Japan Golf Association (JGA), (planned: Japan Sport Council, Fukuoka Prefecture, Iizuka City, Kama City, Keisen Town, Japan Para-Sports Association (JPSA), SELP (Support of Employment, Living, and Participation), etc.
QUALIFICATION Professional or amateur golfer with any of the above mentioned disabilities (does not include hearing disability), whose disability is recognized by the classification committee. Able-bodied persons may participate in the volunteer division.
CLASSIFICATION EXAMINATION First time participants will be subject to a classification interview. Your classification may change depending on how you play during the match as it may not be possible to determine your extent of ability during the interview, and a further review of actual movement during play may be necessary. We thank you in advance for your understanding.
This championship is scheduled to be registered as a game for the World Ranking for Golfers with Disability (WR4GD). To be listed in the ranking, please obtain a separate WR4GD pass. If you do not have a pass but would like to obtain one, please indicate that in the entry form.
COURSE Aso Iizuka Golf Club
With over 40 years of history and tradition since its opening, this prestigious course features 27 holes rich in gentle undulations and strategic challenges. Itboasts numerous signature holes where top professionals have showcased many dramatic moments. The course is designed on a flat hill with moderate undulations, featuring a variety of small and large ponds and large bentgrass greens. Each hole layout is highly strategic, requiring accurate shots and careful reading to target the pin. Additionally, the greens, each with unique characteristics, demand delicate putting.
CAPACITY Up to 70 participants (including 10 foreign players). Registration will close if capacity is reached before the registration deadline.
ENTRY FEE 43,000JPY which includes: Welcome dinner, 2R with cart and caddy, two lunches, administrative fees, insurance, and participation in the award ceremony and party). Able-bodied participant fee 45,000JPY. Hotel fees not included.
WELCOME DINNER Participation in the welcome dinner is required for players in the tournament.
AWARDS (1) Class-specific awards: first, second, and third place in each class.
(2) Grand Prix category winners - up to 3rd place.
GRAND PRIX DIVISION The “Grand Prix Division” was created 17 years ago for advanced players of all disability classifications. The winner of the Grand Prix division will be the champion of the Japan Open. The competition conditions and qualifications for participation in this division are as follows:
**Those who wish to participate in the Grand Prix Division must enter in advance. Please fill in the entry sheet and bring your official Handicap Index to the event registration. Handicaps should be from one week before the tournament.
*Even if you wish to participate, there may be cases where you may not be able to join the division depending on the results of the classification examination made by our classifiers.
★ Qualification: Official Handicap 19.4 or lower and must have a WR4GD Pass or EDGA Access Pass. Please bring your official USGA or R&A Handicap Index to the tournament registration. Please note that there will be no WR4GD stableford division in this tournament
★ Competition Start tee is the back tee. Due to JGA rules, special rules for persons with disabilities do not apply in the Grand Prix Division.
★ Grand Prix players cannot compete or win in other divisions.
Those who wish to stay in one of these hotels must book through the entry form online. The shuttle bus to the Golf Course will leave from these two hotels.
Shin-Iizuka Station Hotel
Address: 4-20 Yoshiomachi, Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-0018
Single room (room charge)@6,910 JPY Breakfast not included
Nogami President Hotel
Address: 12-37 Shintateiwa, Iizuka City, Fukuoka 820-0004
Single room (room charge)@8,000 JPY Breakfast not included
Twin room (room charge) @16,000JPY Breakfast not included
Practice rounds (no caddy) are available on the 10th of October for 14,000JPY (Fees are separate - weekend fees). A half round 9,000JPY starting in the afternoon is also possible. Participants who would like to play a practice round should note it on the entry form. Spaces are limited and will be allocated by order of entry.
ENTRY Please submit the register with all necessary information no later than September 30th.
PAYMENT OF ENTRY FEE All participants are requested to complete their payment at the reception of the tournament. Payment at the tournament reception should be made in cash (JPY only). Credit cards and checks are not accepted.
OTHER PAYMENTS Hotel accommodation fees and practice round fees, etc. are requested to be paid at each respective facility either with cash or credit card (VISA, MASTERCARD, or AMEX)
The entry fee for persons who accompany a participant is 6,000JPY (two lunches, and participation into the award ceremony and party are included) The Welcome Party fee is 7,000JPY for accompanying persons. Payment should be made in advance with the entry fee of the participant.
LANGUAGE Official events of the tournament will be held in Japanese. Several English-Japanese interpreters will be available. During the competition, English interpretation will be provided upon necessity. Documents such as rules and programs will also be prepared in English.
Mr. Yoshimasa Ishizuka (Tournament Chair)
Disabled Golf Association Japan
Mobile 81-(0)90-8139-2878
November 10th (Sun)
Practice round (on request) Aso Iizuka G.C.
15:00 Reception at Nogami President Hotel, Interview of first
time participants by the medical classifying committees to
decide division
18:00 Welcome Dinner at Nogami President Hotel
November 11th (Mon)
6:50~ Bus will leave from the hotel
8:30~ Tee’ off #1,#10 Tees
Evening Open (no events)
November 12th (Tue)
6:50~ Bus will leave from the hotel
8:00~ Tee’ off #1 #10 Tees
16:30 (expected) Award Banquet at the Club House Aso Iizuka G.C.
If you must cancel your entry, please make the cancellation in the entry form website as early as possible.