5th Annual Stem
Memorial Golf Tournament
Friday, August 02, 2024
Benefiting the ESU Foundation
Shotgun Start @ 12:15 pm
Moccasin Run Golf Course
402 Schoff Road
Atglen, PA 19310
Team ($500)
Single Player ($125)
Please follow the REGISTER NOW button in the top left
We have many ways in which you, or your company, can be involved - from golf fees only, to hole
sponsorships, to gift cards and prizes for our raffles
Platinum Sponsorship - $1,000
Complimentary foursome, company banner displayed at tournament registration, and one premium
hole sign (1, 9, or 18). This price also covers green fees, carts, range balls, beverages and meals for
the team. Each team member will also receive a complimentary sleeve of golf balls and one mulligan
to be used during tournament.
Gold Sponsorship - $800
Complimentary foursome and one premium hole sign (1, 9, or 18). This price also covers green fees,
carts, range balls, beverages and meals for the team. Each team member will also receive a
complimentary mulligan to be used during tournament.
Silver Sponsorship - $650
Complimentary foursome and one hole sign. This price also covers green fees, carts, range balls,
beverages and meals for the team.
Team Only Fee - $500
This covers green fees, cart, range balls, beverages and meal for a team of four.
Single Player Fee - $125
This covers green fees, cart, range balls, beverages and meal for a single player.
Hole Sponsor - $150
One hole sign to be placed at tee box.
Gift Donations
This is an opportunity for local companies to donate a gift card (in the amount you choose) for our
raffle prizes. This creates a fun addition to the tournament, while also giving local companies an
opportunity to market themselves to potential new, and/or returning Customers.
Open Donation
We welcome any monetary donation to contribute to The Stem Memorial Golf Tournament that can
be made at
All checks should be made payable to: ESU Foundation. Please submit all completed forms to Kyle
Stem at:
394 W Turnberry Court West Chester, PA 19382
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kyle at:
**Please register ASAP as we will be limiting the number of participants to ensure for an enjoyable
pace of play.
Willard passed away on December 9, 2014, and Derek passed away on July 26, 2019. They both
have been, and will continue to be sadly missed by their family and friends. The Stem Memorial Golf
Tournament will be a way to celebrate and honor Willard & Derek’s lives.
Willard and Derek both had larger than life personalities, and were beloved in the communities that
they served. They both dedicated their lives to helping others, Willard in the local and financial
communities, and Derek in his unwavering commitment to those in long term recovery. Willard was
aptly described by his best friend as having the ability to connect to people and to touch their lives
like he’d never seen in anyone else before, while, for Derek, “Family was Everything.” He showed us
every day how to play, laugh and love with all of our souls.
We, their family, are asking for your support and partnership to help to continue Willard & Derek's
legacy. The proceeds generated from this tournament will be fully donated to the
“Willard Stem Scholarship” at his alma mater of East Stroudsburg University, and to a cause that
celebrates Derek’s recovery path, "Derek's Dream."
The Stem Memorial Golf Tournament will be a 4-Man Scramble style tournament. Full teams of 4
golfers, or individual golfers alike, are welcomed to register. If any individual golfers register, or teams
with less than 4 golfers, they will be combined with others to form a full team. Golfers participating in
the tournament will enjoy one full 18 hole round, with cart, at the beautiful Moccasin Run Golf
Course, which was Willard’s favorite course in the area. Golfers will also be treated to complimentary
range balls prior to the shotgun start at 12 pm, as well as complimentary beverages served
throughout the day, and a complimentary meal at the completion of the round.
Founded in 1986 as an affiliate of East Stroudsburg University, the East Stroudsburg University
Foundation mission is to foster lifelong relationships with alumni and friends of East Stroudsburg
University, securing philanthropic support to advance the University’s mission and to enhance every
student’s University experience.
$500 - 1st Place Team $200 - 2nd Place Team $100 - 3rd Place Team
Men and women’s closest to the pin and longest drive contests
Putting contest
Various gift baskets, gift cards and other gifts through raffle