Player League Standings

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Rank Player Total Points Avg. Gross Low Gross
1 Gjovik, Mason 590.00 77.0 76.0
2 Prichard, Joseph 450.00 82.0 81.0
3 Blanchard, Nikolas 415.00 83.0 79.0
4 Baylor, Braden 400.00 85.0 82.0
5 Zawistowski, Krzysztof 380.00 85.7 83.0
6 Bailey, Ryder 340.00 86.3 85.0
7 Lin, James 255.00 86.0 83.0
8 Marsh, Liam 235.00 93.3 90.0
9 Ghastin, Cole 225.00 91.0 86.0
10 Burton, Daniel 175.00 98.7 94.0
11 Kupniewski, Aaron 145.00 98.7 95.0
12 Amann, Michael 140.00 94.5 92.0
13 Hu, Andrew 130.00 102.3 99.0
14 Aresco, Cameron 60.00 96.0 96.0
Totals: 3,940.00