Player League Standings

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Rank Player Total Points Avg. Gross Low Gross
1 Salvatore, Nicholas 510.00 41.8 39.0
2 Izbicki, Grant 395.00 45.0 42.0
3 Zawistowski, Aleksander 380.00 45.0 42.0
4 Barber, Daniel 340.00 46.7 43.0
5 Baker, Karsten 310.00 43.0 40.0
6 Pastore, Luca 295.00 46.8 42.0
7 Marz, Jack 280.00 42.3 41.0
8 Lineman, Colton 220.00 48.0 43.0
9 Zimmerman, Mason 215.00 48.5 46.0
10 Thunell, Seamus 190.00 49.5 47.0
11 Marsh, Logan 170.00 49.7 47.0
12 Guerra, Jaxon 135.00 50.7 48.0
T13 Carroll, Deizel 130.00 50.8 47.0
T13 Kloecker, Anthony 130.00 49.4 47.0
15 Cicero, Luca 95.00 51.6 45.0
16 Erven, Max 90.00 52.3 45.0
17 Lodanosky, Xavier 80.00 52.5 50.0
18 Mckay, Jonah 50.00 53.2 51.0
19 Mifsud, Matt 35.00 53.6 52.0
20 Peirce, Joshua 0.00 59.0 57.0
Totals: 4,050.00