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The Saturday Golf League is a non-profit 501(c)(7) organization (and social club) located in the greater Phoenix metro area. We offer weekly golf tournaments throughout the year all around the Valley of the Sun. We welcome all levels of players who enjoy competition and the idea of playing different top ranked and affordable courses. (over 100 different courses played in the last 5 years) The SGL is a member of the Arizona Golf Association and participates in the new World Handicap System. Check out The Saturday Golf League links (above) and resources and we look forward to seeing you on and "in the green".


To receive information about the Saturday Golf League, Click here.


SGL Memberships for the year 2024 are now available thru the AGA for new and existing members. Other discounts may also apply if joining other leagues, having a lifetime membership or having a complimentary membership by the SGL, Click here