Player League Standings
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Rank | Player | Times Played | Total Points | Avg. Gross | Low Gross |
1 | Weaver, Teleigh | 6 | 430.00 | 55.7 | 50.0 |
2 | Young, Raegan | 5 | 400.00 | 44.6 | 40.0 |
3 | Miller, Reagan | 5 | 350.00 | 54.0 | 48.0 |
4 | Condel, Ligaya | 4 | 230.00 | 58.5 | 55.0 |
5 | Murphy, Addison | 3 | 150.00 | 58.3 | 54.0 | Totals: | 1,560.00 |