Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Amy Conley | 41.5 |
Amy Seaman | 12.6 |
Beth Allwine | 17.6 |
Carol Dinsmore | 29.1 |
Celine Steinmiller | 27.9 |
Crystel Leidy | 17.1 |
Debbie Levendusky | 22.7 |
Deborah Lawry | 30.6 |
Ginger Brant | 16.5 |
Janice Bolha | 26.4 |
Jeanne Roberts | 26.4 |
Jody Keating | 26.3 |
Judy Payne | 26.0 |
Kathy Faye | 24.6 |
Linda Valore | 38.4 |
Mariann Denezza | 23.4 |
Maureen Jedinak | 29.5 |
Paula Pedicone | 35.1 |
Roberta Hugus | 28.2 |
Sarah Wozniak | 30.1 |
Tracy Rause | 23.2 |