Thursday Evenings divided into three Programs: 101 (4:30-5:30pm), 201 (5:30-6:30pm) and 301 (6:30-7:30pm). The programs typically are divided based on age, but we can make adjustments as necessary. The session will run from the first week of June through the end of August. Hosted by Staff Professional PGA Associate Taylor Schmidt, this girls only program is intended to learn some golf and some social skills. It has been one of our most well attended programs over the past couple of seasons and the only program of it's nature in this area that we are aware of.

We're going to get started Thursday June 6th, and will meet every Thursday through the end of August. If your child has clubs, please bring them. If not, no worries- we can provide some clubs for them to use. Sneakers are ideal, and if they have golf clothes/collared shirt that is great- If not, athletic clothes is great as well. Cost for the entire season is $180 per child and payments will be collected in the Golf Shop on the first session (Cash or Check). Checks made out to Taylor Schmidt. 





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Thursday's For The Girls