2024 Squamish Amateur Rules
Rules of Golf as Governed and Published by Golf Canada in conjunction with the following rules:
- Play the ball as it lies. Summer Rules are in effect. Areas considered as GUR will be circled with white paint. Free relief no closer to the hole as per Rule 16.1.
- It is the player’s responsibility to be at the tee at his designated tee time. Penalty: If no more than five minutes late - penalty 2 strokes - more than 5 minutes late – disqualification (see Rule 5.3a)
- Expected Pace of Play is 4.5 hours and Pace of Play will be monitored. Keep up to the group ahead. Following two warnings a penalty can be applied to the offending player(s). Play a provisional ball if there is any doubt as to its finishing location. Rule 18.3 If unsure if you get free relief in a situation – play 2 balls as noted below.
- “Sod Faced” bunker on #3: If a ball is embedded in the wall of this bunker, the face of the bunker is deemed not to be “closely mown area” i.e. fairway. If a drop for an unplayable lie in this wall is required, a drop area at the top right side of the bunker may be used at a penalty of one stroke (Local Rule in effect for competitions)
- Gardens/Garden beds and maintained hedges are to be considered “GUR” and free relief as per Rule 16.1 is permitted.
- If a ball strikes a power line the shot must be replayed without penalty.
- Playing an additional ball when in doubt. In stroke play, when during play of a hole a competitor is doubtful of his rights or procedure, he may, without penalty, play a second ball (Rule 20.1c (3)) After the situation which caused the doubt has arisen, the competitor should announce to his marker or fellow competitor his decision to invoke this rule and the ball with which he will score if the Rules permit. The competitor shall report the facts to the Committee before returning his score card unless he scores the same with both balls. If he fails to do so, he shall be disqualified.
- There is no local rule in play allowing for a drop in the fairway following a lost ball or a ball out of bounds.
- The safety netting along the 10th hole is located on the course and defined as an abnormal course condition. Relief from this netting is permitted if it is in your area of intended stance or area of intended swing (Rule 16.1). The area directly behind the netting, along the dike path is defined as “no play zone”. The end of this zone is defined by a blue line traversing the path. Your ball must not be played from this area, and you must take relief with a one stroke penalty (Local Rule). RELIEF: Determine point of entry. Measure 2 club lengths relief from this point, no closer to the hole. Drop as per rules within the 2 club lengths.
- Hole 7 & 13 Drop Zones. If a ball enters the penalty area directly in front of the tee ground and the competitor elects not to play it, the competitor may play his next shot in the drop zone by the red tee ground with a 1-stroke penalty (Hole 7 forward tees, Hole 13 forward tees just by the Pump House)
- Score cards shall be given to the scorecard attendant, signed by both the competitor and scorer immediately after completion of the round. If a ruling is required, the competitor shall proceed immediately to the Pro Shop to obtain the ruling. It is the player's responsibility to see that his score card is signed and turned in to the scorecard attendant.
- Ties will be broken via modified countback (last 18,9,6,3,1) except for the overall gross (which will be played out over holes 1 & 18 until a winner is determined) & overall net (which will be played over holes 7, 8 & 9, aggregate total score with 1/6th of the players' handicap) continued until a winner is determined.