2024 Meadowbrook Women’s Golf League

Guidelines, Rules & Regulations

League rules are subject to modification or change, league members will be notified of any updates


Website: http://mwgl.golfgenius.com

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We strive to provide a welcoming atmosphere for women of all skill levels while fostering camaraderie and friendships through the game of golf.



The Executive Board of the Meadowbrook Women’s Golf League is made up of women just like you- mothers, spouses, business professionals, and more.  Since these women have many daily obligations, we ask that you please understand they are volunteers who generously dedicate their time, energy, and commitment without financial compensation. Due to this, the organization and structure used to operate the league may be slightly different than in years past. Please also understand members of the Executive Board may not always be available around the clock to promptly respond to player questions, etc. We kindly ask that players practice patience, understanding, and gratitude as they await a response. The Board wishes to foster a positive environment with each other and all players of the league. By doing so, we can cultivate a stronger sense of teamwork, respect, and unity within our league.




President - Dicksie Ward  

dward@rhr.com   859-351-1265


Vice President - Shana Raglin

sraglin1922@yahoo.com   502-803-0877


Treasurer - Mary West

marytaylorwest@gmail.com   606-232-7741


Statistician - Lesley Boysel

ukles06@yahoo.com    859-221-3953



Any female amateur golfer who has paid her annual dues as determined by the League Executive Board. 



2024 League Registration Fee: $40 paid to Meadowbrook Women’s Golf League

The league registration fee does not include weekly greens fees and/or pull cart rental. These fees are separate and will be paid directly to Meadowbrook Golf Course. The weekly greens fee will cover the cost for all 18 holes. If a player wishes to continue playing after the league event, a tee time must be made in advance.  


Individual and/or group photographs may be taken before, during or after play with or without your acknowledgment. These photographs may be used in our advertising material, posted in emails, on our website and/or on our social media. If you would NOT like your photograph to be used in any of these manners, please let a member of the MWGL Executive Board know.



The 2024 regular season is scheduled for 16 weeks to begin Tuesday, May 14th and end Tuesday, August 20th.  The MWGL Championship is scheduled for Tuesday, August 27th and Tuesday, September 3rd.

A copy of the 2024 season calendar is available to view on our website.



The game or format will change from week to week.  Most weeks players will play stroke play- a player plays their own ball from the teeing area (mat) until the ball is either holed or max score of 8 is reached.  Other games will also be played including odd holes, low number of putts, pick 3 clubs, etc.  Each game will be explained in detail on the week of the event or by seeing the details page under the calendar.



 Players will select a 1-hour window of availability for their tee time in which they are most frequently available to play. Tee times will be available on Tuesdays between 3:00 and 6:30 pm only. The selected window of availability will remain the same every week unless a time change request is made to the statistician by text, email or phone call.  If a tee time needs to be modified, the statistician must be notified no later than Saturday at 7 pm before play on Tuesday. To cancel or change a tee time on the day of play, the player shall call or text the statistician as soon as possible. This should be an infrequent occurrence and should be reserved for true emergencies only out of respect for other players. 


Each week players will receive an emailed invitation for play on Tuesday. Each player will need to respond to this invitation no later than Saturday at 7 pm before play on Tuesday. This information will let the statistician know who is able to play and who isn’t before she is able to make the pairings. Tee times and pairings will be sent out to players on Sunday evenings before play on Tuesday. 


In the past a paid staff member of the golf course was always on site to help facilitate players with regard to tee times and pairings. Since this is no longer available, we must be stricter about adhering to the exact tee times. We ask that all players show up early enough so that they have time to pay greens fees, warm up and be prepared to receive weekly instructions 10 minutes prior to their tee time. Players should be ready to hit their first tee shot at their tee time.


Players that miss their tee time may join their group during the play of the 1st hole only. Once your designated group has finished the first hole you may no longer join them. You may either 1) wait to play with the last group of the day which will typically be after 6:30 PM or 2) forfeit league participation for that week.



On the day of a league event, players may NOT play or practice the holes that will be played for league competition. Since there is no driving range, in order to warm up, players MAY play holes on the opposite 9 holes that will be played for league competition. A tee time or permission from the pro shop staff is required before playing any warm up holes. The practice green may be used at any time prior to a player’s tee time. 



Golfers may make a request to play with other players during individual events.  The statistician will make her best effort to honor these requests; however, there is no guarantee.  Partner requests can be made during the registration process. The other players in the group will be chosen randomly.  The League Championships and all majors will be random pairings.



 All scoring for the league will be kept on the Golf Genius app and software.  Only 1 player in the group needs to keep the online score.  Every week each foursome will be given a code specific to their tee time that will enable them to keep score for their group.  Groups are encouraged to also keep a paper scorecard for verification and back up purposes.  Following the round all players in the group will meet and verify that the online score is accurate for each hole and player BEFORE players leave Meadowbrook. This is considered a verbal attest. The scores that are online will be considered the official scores. Once any player from the group has left the property, the scores cannot be modified or changed.  It is all players’ responsibility in the group to make sure that all players scores are correct- not just their own.



 All results will be viewable by either the Golf Genius app or via the league website.  The Golf Genius App Leaderboard GGID for the League is MWGL2024

You can also view results by visiting the league page on your computer, tablet, or phone at:




Each week the first-place player in each division will earn a $15 Play Golf Lex gift card. Other contest prizes such as Closest to Pin and Longest Made Putt will earn a $10 Play Golf Lex gift card. These gift cards may be used for greens fees, cart fees, merchandise, concessions, range balls, tournament entries, etc. at all five Play Golf Lex golf courses. The gift cards do not expire. 

Winners in each division of the Meadowbrook Women’s Golf League Championship will earn the following:

1st place - $75      2nd place - $50    3rd place - $25


Chip In Pot – A log will be kept weekly for any player that chips in off the green during their round.  Prizes will be awarded to the players with the most chip-ins during the season.  A chip in is any shot that is holed from off the green and with any club other than a putter. Please notify a member of the Executive Board if you make a chip in during your round.



1st place ties will be broken with a scorecard playoff

  • Last 1 Hole Score starting at last hole of round and going backwards



For an event to be complete, all participating players must complete all holes of golf intended for play. If an event is shortened due to inclement weather and the course becomes closed, all rounds will be deemed null and void and no points will be earned and no prizes will be given. The MWGL Board Executives will make the final decision, along with the Meadowbrook staff, if an event is to be played or not. If the decision is made to keep the event open for play and a player chooses not to play, they will not earn points for that week. No makeups can be allowed due to different playing conditions.  



 Points will be awarded to all the finishers in each division at each league event and will accumulate throughout the year.  Weekly winners in each division will be awarded points based on the charts below.

Standard League Events







6th +








Major Events - The Simandle Cup, The Masters, and The Open







6th +









Players will earn a cumulative number of points throughout the year.  All points awarded, regardless of the division they are earned in, will count toward the players’ total points for the season.



One of the goals of the MWGL is to allow members to compete against similarly skilled players.  In order for players to compete fairly, players will be divided into 5 divisions based on their average scores. All players will begin the season in a division the League Executive Board determines based on prior year scores or information obtained from a player. Following the individual stroke play event on July 23, 2024, all players will be locked into their division for the remainder of the season.



Players will earn points throughout the season that will accumulate towards entry into the League Championship. Only the top six point-earners in each division following the last season event on August 20th, will earn a spot in the MWGL League Championship. There will also be three exemption spots that can be earned by winning one of the league’s Major Events. Players must have also completed a minimum of 8 weekly events to be eligible to participate in the League Championship.  The League Championship will be a 2-round event.  Tee times will be available for those who do not qualify for the League Championship but still wish to play golf.

Adjusted Scores to begin the League Championship are based on the final points list after the regular season event on August 20th.  The points leader in each division will begin the League Championship at -3.  The second place points leader will begin the League Championship at -2. The third place points leader will begin the League Championship at -1 and places 4-6 will begin even par.


















Rules of the United States Golf Association governs all play, with the exception of the local league rules listed below. We encourage all players to familiarize themselves with the USGA Rules.


Teeing Area – All players in the league must use the mat tees to begin each hole.  Players may tee up their ball or play off the mat, but they must start the hole from the mat tees only.


Lift, Clean, and Place – Players may improve their golf ball lie anywhere in the general area of the course (not green or penalty area).  Players may lift, clean, and place their ball within a scorecard length of where their ball lies, no closer to the hole.


Maximum Score of 8 – Players will take no more than 8 shots per hole.  Once a player has hit their 7th shot, the player will pick up their ball and record a score of 8 for the hole.  This will not disqualify the player from awards or prizes.


Native/Tall Grass Areas – All fescue, native, and tall grass areas on the golf course are to be treated as a red penalty area.  If a player finds their ball in one of these areas they may attempt to play the ball from that area (without improving their lie) if they so choose.  If the player either finds the ball and chooses not to play it or does not find the ball the player may take a drop under penalty of 1 shot, within two club lengths and no closer to the hole, of the point that the ball entered that area.


Lost Ball – When a player’s ball is lost in the general area of the course (not in penalty area or out of bounds) the player may drop a ball nearest where the group deems the ball most likely would have been, with penalty of 1 stroke and then proceed playing the hole.


Order of Play - Play “READY GOLF.”  Players are not restricted to playing whoever is farthest from the hole.  In order to keep the pace of play at a minimum, whoever is ready to hit their next shot may play.


Distance Measuring Devices - Players are permitted to use optical devices (rangefinders) that measure distance based on a through-the-scope calculation by the player. GPS (global positioning system) devices with pre-programmed distances, and devices capable of gauging or measuring other conditions, are permitted. If GPS device shows slope or wind speed, these options must be disabled for tournament. Refer to USGA Rules of Golf for additional information.


Pace of Play: Each player must play without undue delay, which is defined as taking no more than 45 seconds to play a shot. Play “READY GOLF” and walk quickly.


A group will be deemed to be out of position on the golf course when they are over time par. Time par is determined by each hole taking an average of 12 minutes in threesomes (13 minutes in foursomes) to complete a hole and/or by staying up with the group in front. When it is determined that a group is out of position on the golf course, the group will be warned and asked to speed up play. If the group does not get back into position, any player in that group who does not play their stroke within 45 seconds when it is their turn will incur a one-stroke penalty. Subsequent warnings will incur a two-stroke penalty for each occurrence. The 45-second rule is in place to assure playing without “undue delay”.


Out of Bounds – Out of bounds at Meadowbrook is defined by the fence that surrounds the property.  If a player hits their ball over the fence, the player may drop their ball within 2 club lengths from the point where the ball went out of bounds, no closer to the hole, with a penalty of 1 stroke.  Players also do not receive more than the standard scorecard length relief from the out of bounds fence.


Disqualification Policy - No player will be disqualified for any violations of the Rules of Golf.   Instead, the player will be assessed a maximum score of 8 on any hole where the infraction would normally lead to disqualification. In situations where the round or hole has been completed, the score of 8 will apply to the last hole played or to the hole where the infraction occurred. Exceptions: Code of Conduct violations


Code of Conduct - Violations of the code of conduct include abusive language, club throwing, cheating, disrespect of other players, disrespect of volunteers, officials or staff, abuse to the golf course or the facilities, littering, or any other conduct unbecoming of a player. First offense: disqualification in event. Repeated violations may lead to rejection of future entries. The MWGL Executive Board reserves the right to dismiss any player, caddie or spectator at any time for any reason during an event. 


Push/Pull Carts - Push or pull carts are permitted during competition. Please help keep the course in good condition by not pulling/pushing your cart across the greens or lying your bag on the greens. This can cause damage to the greens as well as weeds to spread onto the greens.


Caddies - Caddies must be 18 years of age or older.  A caddie may NOT assist in any way during the swing or make official rulings.  Caddies are an extension of the player and any actions that may violate the rules of golf or Meadowbrook Women’s Golf League guidelines and procedures will apply to the player.  Caddies must not unduly delay play. Caddies are permitted for all standard and major league events, including the League Championships.


Safety - Participation during a golf tournament can be dangerous. Please be aware of others near you at all times on the course and practice areas.  Should a player feel there are dangerous weather conditions or are alerted to another good reason such as illness, they may discontinue play. Seek shelter or medical help should these conditions arise.