
Player Roster

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Last Name First Name H.I.™
Ackermann Yann 18.6
Allen Jeffrey 2.7
Anderson Kenneth 19.5
Arbogast Justin 10.4
Arvidson Patrick 11.1
Baca David 30.6
Baccomo Logan 10.4
Baccomo Paul 16.3
Baker Jeffrey 25.2
Baldwin David 16.0
Balenske Kenton 30.7
Beattie Isadore 11.2
Beattie Michael 9.4
Bennett Ron 31.5
Boscia Brent 22.9
Brennan Joe 24.5
Bulger Brian 6.3
Bunting Gavin 22.0
Burgess Brent 4.9
Burkhardt Andrew 15.3
Burkhardt Jake 14.4
Burkhardt Steve 19.1
Carnochan PJ 10.4
Clutter Mark
Coburn Michael
Compton Richard 22.3
Cosentino Chris 2.3
Crum Michael 28.0
Culotta Nick 18.3
Dearstine Brian 11.7
Decent Bob 19.7
Devine Ben 26.5
DeVito Mike 20.7
Doherty Gerald 30.1
Dorrer Mark 11.5
Driscoll Benjamin 7.8
Elam Chris 22.4
Ferguson Jon 9.2
Foster David 18.4
Foster Paul 13.6
Gasch Tom
Gregg Gavin 19.8
Grove Alan 38.3
Hadley Kenneth 23.3
Harrington Tom 19.2
Hoffmann Mark 22.2
Holbein Joshua 11.7
Hunter Michael 3.6
Hurlbutt Christopher 8.3
Hurlbutt Pierce 4.0
Hutcheson Thomas 4.0
Jones Jerry
Jones Richard 14.6
Jordan Tony 19.3
Julian Jonathan 14.7
Kelley Dan 13.6
Kelly Devin 47.3
Klos Stanley 26.0
Llewellyn Tim 17.5
Lozupone Brendan 3.3
Marchand Frank 14.6
Marks Robert 20.3
Martin Jimmy 11.3
McClung Stephen 11.5
McDonald Kevin 24.6
McLean Bill 15.9
Miller Clayton 24.1
Moran Douglas 25.3
Mulhern Joseph 10.4
Nash Rick 20.5
Novak Andrew 14.7
Nucci John 13.1
Overstreet James
Owen Brian
Pettibone John 14.0
Potter Jr Ron
Pucek Joe
Reinhart Hugh 27.7
Rogers John 10.2
Roper Robert 32.0
Ryan Kenneth 19.7
Savina Timothy 29.2
Schweitzer Mark 19.8
Shrader Jack 17.8
Simpson Shawn 21.0
Smigal Ben 15.0
Smith Glenn 27.2
Smith Jason 16.0
Snowdon Matt 4.8
Spadaro Justin 20.9
Sudol Robert 14.5
Swick Dennis 18.6
Tatterson Neal 40.7
Tesh Michael 27.4
Thanas Thomas 10.3
Thaxton Brad 5.8
Thompson Jack 27.7
Thompson Kevin 14.4
Thompson Sam 12.2
Tierney David 20.3
Turcotte James 15.0
Wampler John 1.6
Weakland Paul 20.8
Welsh Jakob 15.3
Whittington Randy 8.2
Woodyard Tim
Wunderlick Robert 18.3