FORMAT:         Four Ball Net Match Play

  • A match is which two play their better ball against the better ball of two other players
  • Each team will play the other teams within their respective Divisions
  • One Nine Hole Match on Thursday and Two Nine Hole Matches will be played on each Friday and Saturday
  • Flight Winners will be the teams, within their respective Flights, that have accumulated the highest point totals.


                        Saturday Shoot-Outs

  • The play-off in which the players play will be an alternate shot format from tee to green, resulting in one net score.
  • Six 6-Hole Shoot Outs will be played on the Back Nine with all of the #1 seeds in one Division, all the #2 seeds in another, and so on.
  • #1 Flight seeds will compete for the “2024 Red Rock Member Guest Champions” and have the 1st Choice of the Grand Prize List
  • The team with the highest net score on each of the play-off holes will be eliminated. In the event of a tie for the highest score, a chip-off will determine which teams will advance.
  • In the event of ties within Divisions, the winning team is determined by:

            1) Head to Head Match

            2) Saturday Total

            3) Chip-Off


HANDICAPS:    The Match Play Divisions seeded according to combined handicaps.

  • 80% of Course Handicaps will be used (Max 36 Playing Handicap)
  • Handicaps are for each match is based off the lowest handicapped player in the match, who shall play from scratch. The other three players shall receive strokes based on the difference in handicap.
  • Each Match is worth 10 Points – 1 Point for each hole & 1 Point for the Overall Match. If a hole is tied, then ½ point will be awarded to each team.


RULES:   All Play is from the Blue Tee Markers or White Markers (Age 65 Above)

                        USGA Rules govern all play, except as amended by these local rules:

  • Embedded Ball Rule is in Effect
  • All Native Grass play as Penalty Area
  • Ball Drops
    • Hole #7 – Ball Drop located behind green for ball hit into Red Penalty Area beyond cart path
    • Hole #16 – For any tee shot hit into the left or right Native Grass (Penalty Area) beyond Red Tee and the ball does not cross the margin of the penalty area, the player may proceed to Ball Drop near the Red Tee under a penalty of 1 stroke
  • Out Of Bounds/Lost Ball - For a ball OUT OF BOUNDS or LOST outside a penalty area you may proceed as follows – for a penalty of 2 strokes estimate where you original ball is lost or OB and drop a ball anywhere from the estimated point to 2 club lengths into fairway, no nearer the hole.  You may not use this local rule if your ball is lost in a penalty area or you’ve already hit a provisional ball.


INCLEMENT WEATHER: In the case of inclement weather the following guidelines will be used:

  • If any matches cannot be completed, then all other completed matches will be used to determine Flight Champions
  • If Matches are impacted during play and are unable to finish all 9 a minimum of 6 holes completed by all teams in a flight will constitute a completed match