Monday September 8, 2024 ~ Surrey Golf Club
TERMS OF COMPETITION: Play in this tournament is governed by the 2023 Golf Canada Rules of Golf and the Terms of Competition. All local rules on the Surrey scorecard, posted on notice boards, or posted on the course are NOT in effect for this tournament.
TEES: Red tees notated by the “Zone 3 & Zone 4 Women’s” markers
PACE OF PLAY: Expected Round of 4 hours and 15 minutes. Groups finishing 9 holes greater than 2 hours and 8 minutes and greater than 14 minutes behind the group in front will be given a warning. After a second warning, it will be determined if a one penalty stroke will be given to each player of the group. If a group is 20 minutes behind the group in front, it will be considered a serious breach and the group is liable for a one penalty stroke for each player, without warning.
A player is encouraged to Play Ready Golf: hit a shot when safe to do so. If another player faces a challenging shot and is taking time to assess their options, request that you go first
- Shorter hitters hit first from the tee
- Putting out even if it means standing close to someone’s line
- Hitting a shot even if a person who just played from a bunker is still further away from the hole but is delayed due to raking the bunker
- Marking scores up after you tee off at the next hole
PREFERRED LIES: Players will be advised on the first tee if this rule is in effect or not.
ABNORMAL COURSE CONDITIONS & DANGEROUS ANIMAL CONDITIONS: (Rule 16) Balls found in animal holes, ground under repair (including bare ground in the general area), temporary water, immovable obstructions (such as cart paths and their worn extension, sprinkler heads, control boxes, course machinery, and flower beds), and near wasp nests are entitled to relief without penalty, within 1 club length, in a relief area established at the nearest point of complete relief, no nearer the hole.
PENALTY AREAS: (Rule 17.1d) Identified by yellow or red stakes; defined by the cut line and/or the natural boundaries where the ground slopes down to the depression that holds water.
DROP ZONES: Hole #4 – for safety, use the drop zone ONLY for balls located in front of #5 tee box – free relief.
Hole #13 – for balls entering pond off the tee, there is a drop zone located after the pond, which can be used as an additional penalty area option, for one penalty stroke.
OUT OF BOUNDS: (Rule 18.2) Identified by white stakes and perimeter fence posts. For the safety of others, do not attempt to play across adjacent tee or fairway. Maintenance areas, including piled materials located in OB, are out of bounds.
A player must take stroke-and-distance relief by playing from where the previous stroke was made, adding one penalty stroke.
PROVISIONAL BALL: (Rule 18.3) If there is doubt whether a ball is out of bounds or lost in the general area, to save time the player should announce the play of a provisional ball. If the original ball is found on the course, the player must continue to play with the original ball. If the original ball is lost outside a penalty area, or is out of bounds, the provisional ball becomes the ball in play under penalty of stroke-and-distance.
CADDIES: (Model Local Rule H-1/modified Rule 10.3). Players must not have a caddie during the round.
DOUBT AS TO PROCEDURE: (Rule 20.1(3)) Do not hold up play waiting for a ruling. Declare you are playing a second ball and announce which ball you wish to count if the rules permit. The player must report the facts of the situation to the Committee before submitting her scorecard (even if scores for both balls are the same). Penalty for failing to report is disqualification.
SUSPENSION OF PLAY: (Rule 5.7) The following signals will be used to suspend and resume play:
- Immediate stop for imminent danger – one prolonged note of a siren
- Stop for a non-dangerous situation – three consecutive notes of a siren
- Resumption of play – two consecutive notes of a siren
DECIDING TIES: If after completing 18 holes of stroke play, two or more players are tied, the competition will be decided by matching scorecards on the back nine holes (#10-18).
TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE: Val Barker (Chair Zone 3), Brenda Burroughs (Chair Zone 4), Christine Thurlow (Rules Chair Zone 3), Moira Milligan (Rules Chair Zone 4), Holly Horwood (Zone 3&4 Coordinator)