4 Lady Scramble Rules

Four-person teams-You pick your team

Date-May 18th

Time-10:00 AM Shotgun

Southern Hills Golf Course


Description/Format – All players tee off on every hole with each player starting the hole from her designated tee. The Team chooses which tee shot they will playAll players will place their ball and play their second shot from within one club length of the chosen tee shot’s position; no closer to the hole and from the same ground condition the selected drive has come to rest. Players will proceed in this manner until the ball is holed out. Each player’s tee shot must be used twice!


Fee – $60/member $85/nonmember. Fees include cart, range, and lunch. There will also be an option for team skins. It will be $10/team.


Payouts- 75% of Registration will be paid out in the form of flag prizes and cash.


Extra Games –

Basic Skins Game: $20/team



Closes at 6 PM May May 14th


Scramble Team:

It may become necessary, due to no-shows or lack of participants, to form one or more three-player teams. Scoring for this situation is described in “Method to be used if a Player is missing” below.



 All players tee off on every hole with each player starting the hole from his designated tee. The team chooses which tee shot they will play. Once the location of the selected drive is chosen, the team will mark the ball, it can be lifted, cleaned, and placed. All players will place their ball and play their second shot from within one club length of the chosen tee shot’s position; no closer to the hole and from the same ground condition the selected drive has come to rest. Players will proceed in this manner until the ball is holed out. Record the gross score. The team must use every player’s tee shot at least twice. The team with the lowest net round will be the winner. If the chosen tee shot is in the rough, in a penalty area, or out of bounds the one club length allowance cannot be used to position the second shot out of the rough, out of the penalty area, or in bounds. On the green, one putter head length is used for placement. Your one club length measurement MAY take you out from behind a small tree, etc., but it MAY NOT take you out of a penalty area or onto a green. If the chosen tee shot is from a bunker, you may rake or smooth the sand between shots before placing the next ball.



Flighting will be done based on score breakdowns, with the top x amount of teams in flight one and the bottom x amount of teams being in flight two. The total for each flight depends on the number of teams registered.


Method to be used if a Player is missing:

Threesome(s) will play in the following manner players will alternate hitting the missing player’s shot. Teams must start with the highest handicapper 1st.


Teeing Ground:

See the contest scorecard for each player’s teeing ground.

Captain: The highlighted player shall make the decision for the order of play and for which ball is to be selected for play. The captain is responsible for the pace of play. The captain will record whose tee ball was used on each hole on the scorecard. (Must use everyone’s tee shot twice. Write on your scorecards whose tee shot was used.)


 Recording Scores:

Teams are to record their team gross scores on the scorecard (one team score per hole) on the honor system. Verify the score for each hole at the turn with a clubhouse attendant at the end of the round. The captain must sign the card before turning in at the scoring table immediately following the round. The penalty for turning in an incomplete scorecard is disqualification! Scores submitted to the table are final. Please record your scores in Golf Genius as well. This allows the live leaderboard to be utilized and creates an added level of pressure and fun to the competition.


 Skins Game:

A skin is earned if one team has the lowest score on a hole. Example (Team A eagles hole 1, the rest of the field birdies or worse. Team A wins a skin.) Money will be split evenly between all teams who win a skin. If no skins are won, the money will be paid out with the tournament winnings.


Flag Prizes:

Longest Drives Must be in the fairway, longest putts must be from on the green (fringe putts are not eligible) If the closest to the hole or closest chip or approach is holed, the person to hole it should write holed out. The first one on the card to “hole out” will receive the prize regardless of others below them holing out as well.



Please respect all the other golfers and the course. If you are hitting and a ball is flying towards another group’s carts or players yell FORE as loud as you can. Please fix all ball marks on the green, replace divots, and add seed in the fairways and tee boxes. Keep all carts on the cart paths when possible. A penalty stroke will be added to any team who is caught parking on the fringe, or tee boxes. Photo documentation is required to receive the penalty.