Rockledge Moo'vers


The Rockledge Moo'vers is a group that gets together and plays on Monday, Wednesday, Fridays and sometimes on the weekends. Based on the number of people registered matches will be set up in various groupings foursomes, pairs, individual) playing net score in varying formats.  Our aim is to enjoy the comradery in a semi-competitive environment.


Rounds will usually require a $5 entry that pays out to the winning team. Depending on the format 1st, 2nd 3rd may pay out. And many times, we add Closest to the pin payouts.


Most events we will use the Golf Genius registration process and try to include live scoring through the Golf Genius app.  There will be times our GG manager may not be available, and groups will be asked to set up matches as they like.


Questions?  Please contact Steve Miller