Round 1 (Fri, June 14)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Alison Rutherford
Alli Slick
Amanda Burris
Andrew Krauseneck
Ann Putbrese
Barbara Delohery
Beau Rutherford
Beth Hancock
Bill Thoreson
Bob Blomquist
Bryce Sebelius
Chris Clauson
Christian Oien
Corisa Trapnell
Courtney Hancock
Dale McLeod
David Putbrese
Deborah Sanders
Denise Horpedahl
DJ Burris
Dodd Kelsey
Doug Norby
Durene Frydenlund
Erik Martinson
Geoff Slick
Gregg Halverson
Hailee DeLaurier
Heather Robideaux
Ilse Clauson
James DeLaurier
Jared DeLaurier
Jay Farmer
Jay Frydenlund
Jayden LaHaise
John Horpedahl
John Bernstrom
Joseph Potter
Josh Mason
Kailee Stenseng
Kaitlyn Spinney
Kally Rosencrans
Karen McLennan
Kathy Halley
Kathy Iverson
Keith Petterson
Kelly McLeod
Kip Thorstenson
Laura Mason
Laurie Blomqusit
Mac McLennan
Mackenzie Thorstenson
Matt Henry
Michael Delohery
Mike Sande
Miranda Olson
Mitch Iverson
Natalie Martinson
Nicholas Schuler
Nick Trapnell
Noel Halley
Rebekah Carr
Roxanne Phipps
Scott Phipps
Scott Robideaux
Shelly Thoreson
Sheryl Chan
Sophie Sebelius
Stephanie Bernstrom
Stephanie Burns
Stephanie Schuler
Sue Petterson
Teresa Farmer
Teresa Van Osch
Tiffany Boespflug
Tim Rosencrans
Travis Boesplfug
Wayne Moga
Yvonne Gomez