Rule 5.6a. Unreasonable Delay of Play states: “A player must not unreasonably delay play, either when playing a hole or between two holes.”


Rule 5.6b. Prompt Pace of Play states: “A round of golf is meant to be played at a prompt pace. Each players should recognize that his or her pace of play is likely to affect how long it will take other players to play their rounds, including both those in the player’s own group and those in following groups.”


Rule 5.6b(I). Pace of Play Recommendations states: “The player should play at a prompt pace throughout the round, including the time taken to:

  • Prepare for and make each stroke,
  • Move from one place to another between strokes, and
  • Move to the next teeing area after completing a hole.

A player should prepare in advance for the next stroke and be ready to play when it is his or her turn. When it is the player’s turn to play:

  • It is recommended that the player make the stroke in no more than 40 seconds after he or she is (or should be) able to play without interference or distractions, and
  • The player should usually be able to play more quickly than that and is encouraged to do so.”

Players are expected to adhere to the pace of play recommendations outlined in Rule 5.6b(I) as well as complete play of each checkpoint hole in the time determined by the on-site Championship Committee.  When a group is out of position at any checkpoint, the players in the group are subject to penalty under these guidelines. Checkpoints will be on completion (flagstick in the hole) of either the 4th, 9th, 13th and 18th holes.


Allotted Time: Flagstick in the Hole
Maximum times to play will be determined for each day of the championship by the on-site Championship Committee. Maximum times to complete each hole will be printed on each competitor’s scorecard. Competitors will be advised, prior to starting, of that day’s maximum time to complete the round. It is the group’s responsibility to finish each checkpoint within the times outlined on the scorecard or within position of the group directly in front of them. When a group falls behind – regardless of the reason – it must regain its position. Time for ball searches, rulings, and walking time between holes is included in the allotted time.


Definition “Out of Position” – Stroke Play


First Group Only: The first group is out of position if it takes more than the allotted time to complete a checkpoint hole (see checkpoint time on scorecard).


All Following Groups:
A following group is out of position if it:

(a) Takes more than the allotted time to complete a checkpoint hole and
(b) Completes play of a checkpoint hole more than 14 minutes after the preceding group completed play of that hole.


Group Out of Position
The first time a group is out of position at a checkpoint hole they will be issued a warning. When a group has been notified of its first breach, that group is expected to regain its position before reaching the next checkpoint. If that group is out of position at the next or any subsequent checkpoint, the group may incur the following penalties:


• 1st breach* – warning
• 2nd breach – one stroke penalty
• 3rd breach – two stroke penalty
• 4th breach – disqualification


* If a group clears the 3rd checkpoint without any breaches, but is out of position at the 4th checkpoint, the potential penalty for each player in the group is one stroke.


Any group that is out of position is subject to being monitored by a Rules Rover.


Player’s Rights
Any player may appeal the penalty at scoring.

A player concerned about a non-responsive fellow-competitor in his group should request a Rules Rover to monitor the group in case the group is/or becomes subject to penalty under these guidelines.


Final Determination Regarding Breach / Review Process
All breaches will be reviewed at scoring by the Pace of Play Committee. If the player/group appeals the penalty, the Pace of Play Committee will consider only the following in an appeal:


(a) The player was delayed by the Committee; or
(b) The player was delayed by a circumstance beyond the control of the player or the group; or

(c) The player was delayed by another player in the group.


A player who was out of position during her round and who elects not to consult with the Pace of Play Committee to determine whether he was in breach of these guidelines is considered to have been in breach of these guidelines and to have incurred a penalty or penalties according to the above schedule of penalties. If a group is subject to penalty, all penalties will be applied to the checkpoint hole where the breach occurred.