Welcome to the Senior Snips








Welcome to the Senior Snips!


Thank you to everyone who supported our Senior Snips league last year! We are extremely excited to get our 2024 Snips season underway, and with that we wanted to let you know of a couple updates and a couple minor changes we will be making this year. Our first official league date this season will be Monday, May 6th, and we will once again be CASHLESS this year. With that, we are going to ask anyone who wants to participate in Snips to pay up front for all 18 potential weeks ($144).


Registration will go through Golf Genius, and you will not be able to play in your first Senior Snips league day until you have paid. Money won throughout the year will be held onto by the Senior Snips Executive, and all payouts for the year will be made after the last Snips league date. For example, if you only play 9 out of the 18 weeks, you will receive $72 back in the form of a cheque plus whatever winnings you accumulate for the year. Please let us know if you have any questions with this.


New for the 2024 Season

  • Weekly Crossover instead of Straight Tee Times. For example, mid season crossover tee times will be from 7:27am-8:48am off holes 1 & 10.


Weekly Fees - Same as 2023 Season

  • Weekly Fee will be $8.00
    • $4.00 will go the Net Skins
    • $3.00 will go to the Deuce Pot
    • $1.00 will go to a Hole in One Pot
  • Ladies Flight for all female players.
  • Men's Flights for all male players.
  • Windup tournament will be on Monday September 30.


We will continue to split the field each week into two men's flights based on index which has helped increase the fairness for all players. Additionally, it has been decided that participants must pay the league entry fee to play in Monday Morning Senior Snips tee times. The league will have a total of 80 spots (20 tee times) to start the season, as we predict demand to be high to play as much golf as possible! 


Lastly, we have not changed the booking process from 2023 methods, you just need to select "PLAYING" or "NOT PLAYING" from the round invite. The senior snips ambassador will create the weekly draw and send it out every Friday leading up to Senior Snips. Group and tee time requests can be made through the round invite weekly. 


Weekly Mulligan's Specials

The culinary team is going to have a weekly meal special for every week. This will be communicated out before each weekly league play.


Please let us know if you have any questions at all - we can't wait to see you this golf season! 


Senior Snips Executive