2024 Jack Newton International 9-Hole Junior Classic


Proudly Sponsored by





Juniors on the Move - Caddie Rules


The Number 1 rule of the Caddie is to ensure that each golfer has fun and enjoys themselves on the course!! This is the Number 1 Rule because it is the most important rule.

The Number 2 rule of the Caddie is to ensure that the pace of play is acceptable. It should not take more than 2 hours and 20 mins to play 9 holes. If it does, you are taking too long! This is the Caddies responsibility. As a guide - 15 minutes per hole is a good way to track your pace of play.

The Number 3 rule of the Caddie is that excessive coaching on the course is not acceptable. If you want to coach the players, this should be done in practice, or in warm up, not on the course during the round. Little tips here and there to help the kids around the course and help with pace of play is fine and encouraged, but please do not over step the mark.

Each group is encouraged to have one designated person or parent who ensures that the juniors are ready to play and notifies them who is up next and when it is their turn.

Please encourage a good pace of play by walking quickly to the ball, watching where it goes for all players, raking bunkers, taking the flag out on the green, and leaving the golf buggy in an appropriate spot to move to the next hole without delay.