Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ | Affiliation |
Adam Chipman | 5.7 | Eden Golf & Country Club |
Andrew McEwan | 9.1 | Berwick Heights Golf Course |
Andy Oliver | 14.9 | Eden Golf & Country Club |
Andy Peters | 8.1 | Berwick Heights Golf Course |
Bill Mahar | 11.5 | Berwick Heights Golf Course |
Brad Corkum | 4.4 | Eagle Crest & Greenwood Golf Courses |
Branden Burnie | 2.4 | Eden Golf & Country Club |
Brandon Power | 3.1 | Eden Golf & Country Club |
Carl Baltzer | 7.0 | Eagle Crest & Greenwood Golf Courses |
Cayden Peters | 3.0 | Paragon Golf & County Club |
Chad Taylor | 3.6 | Eagle Crest & Greenwood Golf Courses |
Cole O'Neil | 4.5 | Berwick Heights Golf Course |
Colin Best | 9.3 | Berwick Heights Golf Course |
Dan Keddy | 4.7 | Berwick Heights Golf Course |
Darrell Bowlby | 13.9 | Eden Golf & Country Club |
Dean Mrkic | Paragon Golf & County Club | |
Doug Scott | 4.0 | Eagle Crest & Greenwood Golf Courses |
Gary Smith | 6.1 | Paragon Golf & County Club |
Irving Wade | 11.6 | Eden Golf & Country Club |
James Ross | 5.2 | Eagle Crest & Greenwood Golf Courses |
Jared Brown | +1.7 | Eagle Crest & Greenwood Golf Courses |
Jason During | 9.7 | Berwick Heights Golf Course |
Jonny Marshall | 5.3 | Eden Golf & Country Club |
Justin Conrad | 8.9 | Eden Golf & Country Club |
Lee Marshall | 12.4 | Eden Golf & Country Club |
Les Smith | 3.5 | Paragon Golf & County Club |
Lester Brinton | 16.4 | Eden Golf & Country Club |
Lorne McMullen | 5.9 | Paragon Golf & County Club |
Ozzie Ward | 8.6 | Eagle Crest & Greenwood Golf Courses |
Paul Arsenault | 5.5 | Paragon Golf & County Club |
Rene Saulnier | 6.8 | Berwick Heights Golf Course |
Rick Hachey | 6.3 | Paragon Golf & County Club |
Riley Cook | 5.2 | Berwick Heights Golf Course |
Ryan O'Rourke | 7.1 | Eagle Crest & Greenwood Golf Courses |
Scott Conrad | 4.2 | Eden Golf & Country Club |
Steve Feltham | 10.1 | Berwick Heights Golf Course |
Steve Webb | 8.4 | Paragon Golf & County Club |
Stuart MacMillan | 4.5 | Paragon Golf & County Club |
Taylor MacMillan | 6.5 | Eagle Crest & Greenwood Golf Courses |
Todd Lalonde | 4.5 | Eagle Crest & Greenwood Golf Courses |
Todd McAvoy | 4.9 | Paragon Golf & County Club |
Tom Banks | 7.2 | Paragon Golf & County Club |
Toshi Imai | 6.1 | Berwick Heights Golf Course |
Tristan Bowlby | 4.7 | Eden Golf & Country Club |
Tyler Bigelow | Eagle Crest & Greenwood Golf Courses | |
Tyler Rafuse | 7.8 | Berwick Heights Golf Course |
Wayne O'Donnell | 2.6 | Paragon Golf & County Club |
Zach Beaton | Eagle Crest & Greenwood Golf Courses |