JULY 22-27


  1. Birchmont  information, results, and tee time pairings will be available on the GOLF GENIUS  app, GGID 100BIRCH, or you can follow by typing in this URL in you browser,


  1. All players are expected to show for their scheduled matches. Please notify the golf shop if an emergency situation arises.


  1. Breakfast will be served daily in the clubhouse from 7:00 am – 10:30 am.
  1. Sunday Past Champions Dinner

Former Birchmont winners from all championship divisions will receive with their entry a free dinner with a plus 1 on Sunday night starting at 7:00pm.

b)        Tuesday Contestant Dinner        

All contestants will receive with their entry a free dinner on Tuesday night.  Non-contestants may purchase tickets in the clubhouse.  Dinner will start at approximately 6:30pm. Tickets for non-participants can be purchased in the clubhouse for $30.00.

            c)         Wednesday – 2 player “Alternate Shot” 

Registration opens Monday, limited to first 40 teams. $50.00 entry per team.   Qualifying begins at 7:00pm. You must check in by 6:30pm to be eligible to compete.

d)        Thursday-Long Drive contest 

A long drive contest will take place Thursday at 7:00pm for any tournament players who would like to enter.  There will an open, senior and womens division.  $10.00 entry.

e)         Thursday Live Band at North Shore Grille

Join us for an entertaining evening with The Johnson 5 starting at 8:00pm in the North Shore Grille. No cover charge.

f)         Friday night putting contest

Open to all contestants starting at 7:00 with an entry of $10.00 per player.  An advance sign-up will be available in the pro-shop. Field limited to the first 96 golfers.


4)        Last year’s champions in all championship flights will automatically be seeded #1 in their respective flight.


5)           DAYS OFF (beginning with Wednesday’s match play)

               Men's Letter flights                                    Wednesday

               Men’s Executive regular flights                 Wednesday

               Masters’ regular flights                              Thursday

               Women’s regular flights                            Thursday

               Junior Championship Flight                      Friday

               Junior Regular Flights                                Thursday

               Junior 12U                                                   Wednesday








-Play is governed by the USGA rules of golf-



  • Men's Division                                           BLUE Tees
  • President-Vice President                         BLUE Tees
  • Men’s Letter Flights                                  BLUE Tees
  • Men’s Executive/Chairman Division       BLUE Tees
  • Men’s Executive Regular                          WHITE Tees
  • Men’s Senior Division                               WHITE Tees      
  • Women’s Division                                     GOLD Tees
  • Women’s Executive Division                   GOLD Tees
  • Masters Division                                       WHITE/GOLD COMBO Tees
  • Juniors                                                       White Tees (boys)-Red Tees (girls)




CADDIES: Caddies are permitted in all divisions.


SCORING:  We will be using GOLF GENIUS app for scoring.  One player from each group will be designated to score for the group.  Each match will score separately in Match Play.Scorecards will be used to ensure accuracy of online scoring.  At the conclusion of qualifying rounds, players are required to report to the designated scoring area to verify the accuracy of each player’s score. Players must report their results immediately following play.


GOLF CARS: The Birchmont Tournament Committee has chosen to continue its policy of WALKING ONLY for the Men’s Regular Division. Golf cars will not be allowed for any players in the Men’s Regular Division. Golf cars used for other Divisions are for play ONLY. Golf cars MUST be returned immediately following play, so they can be cleaned prior to the next round. Please help us and comply with this standard. All players needing to use a golf car should have this opportunity. Spectator golf cars will only be made available if all players have the cars they need.

Private golf cars must purchase a sticker from the proshop in order to have access to the golf course. This sticker must be displayed on the golf car at all times.


SEVERE WEATHER COURSE EVACUTION PLAN SIGNALS - ONE (1) long blast = Discontinue play immediately - TWO (2) short blasts = Resume Play - THREE (3) short blasts = Discontinue play for darkness, course conditions or other non-dangerous reasons. In the event of severe weather, players must leave the golf course IMMEDIATELY.  Communication regarding resumption of play will be available on Golf Genius.                             


DISTANCE-MEASURING DEVICES (Rule 4.3)– The use of these devices is permitted during the Birchmont. (DISTANCE ONLY)


ACCIDENTAL MOVEMENT OF A BALL ON A PUTTING GREEN – If a ball that is in play and at rest on the course moves, the player should refer to Rule 9.2. NOTE: If a ball on the putting green has been lifted and been replaced, the ball MUST be replaced on its original spot no matter the cause for the movement, no penalty. EXCEPTION: If the ball begins to move during the backswing or stroke and the stroke is made, see Rule 9.1b.



Defined by the inside edge at ground level of white stakes and fence to the left of #11 & #18.  Defined by the inside edge at ground level of fence posts to the left of #12




Includes all cart paths or clearly defined maintenance roads whether paved or gravel/dirt; worn areas at ends of paths marked with white paint, rest stations, clubhouse, power pole on left of #18 and control boxes for water system. Relief from all roads or cart paths must be in accordance with the rule.



            Defined by white lines.  Includes flower beds and trees with either a tied ribbon or secured with rope.   



#15 - drop area left and right of the green for red penalty area. Use nearest drop area. Ball must have entered the penalty area beyond the drop circle.

#17 – drop area behind green. May be used for ball over green.

These are optional and under penalty of one stroke.


PENALTY AREAS                 

Penalty Areas are defined by red stakes or red painted lines.  In order to claim that a tee shot on #18 has entered the penalty area, a player must either have someone see it go in or have NO reasonable doubt that it could be any place other than the penalty area.



Rule 5-6 Players must keep pace with the group ahead of them.  Players are subject to a penalty for multiple violations. Expected pace of play is no more than 2:20 for each nine holes.



In match play, if a doubt or dispute arises between the players, a player may make a claim. If no duly authorized representative of the Committee is available within a reasonable time, the players must continue the match without delay. The Committee may consider a claim only if it has been made in a timely manner and if the player making the claim has notified his opponent at the time (i) that he is making a claim or wants a ruling and (ii) of the facts upon which the claim or ruling is to be based.

A claim must be made prior to any player playing from the next teeing ground.



If the player arrives at his starting point, ready to play, within five minutes after his starting time, the penalty for failure to start on time is loss of the first hole in match play or two strokes at the first hole in stroke play. Otherwise, the penalty for breach of this Rule is disqualification.




  • All mainline irrigation trenches are considered Ground Under Repair. If you are within the white painted lines, you may play the ball as it lies, or you may take relief on either side of the effected area. This may at times result in a gained advantage. You must drop the ball within 1 club length of the neaest point of relief.
  • Holes #4, #10, #16
    • These holes have been marked near the greens due to irrigation repairs. If you elect to take relief, you must use the near zone.