Final Matches (Wed, August 14)
The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.
Confirmed Players (32)
Aydan Almy
Ben Goodman
Brock Deslauriers
Christopher Larson
Cody Schepp
Cory Almy
Curt Olson
Dallas Varty
Dan Guevara
Darin Scherr
David Buen
Gage Olson
Jackson Smith
Jordan Indvik
Josh Ressler
Justin Hochhalter
Kaden Carlson
Kendo Carlson
Kirk Phelps
Kyle Hochhalter
Nate Hagerott
Nick Gydesen
Pat Glover
Perry Olson
Randy Froseth
Roscoe Streyle
Shad Froseth
Steve Pinnow
Taylor Zmoos
Tim Kuntz
Tom Rostvedt
Ty Evans