Welcome to Coyote Creek Men's Golf Association.

We look forward to successful 2024 golf season.

All players must register through this website in order to be eligible for play.  If you do not have a GHIN number registered through CCMGA, you must see the Pro Shop to fill out a form in order to register. Tee Times and scoring will be completed through  the Portal for CCMGA hosted by Golf Genius. 

Gary Kreutzer,      President:              gskreutzer@comcast.net

Monty Stephen,   Vice President;       montylstephen@aol.com

Scott Morrison,    Treasurer;               mojo7.sm@gmail.com

Tom Flores,         Secretary;               thomasjflores@hotmail.com


The Coyote Creek Men’s Golf Association is a Wednesday nine hole golf league. It is handicapped and flighted into five flights. Championship Flight HDCP 9.9 or less, and Flights 1 thru 4. Prizes are awarded per flight for first and second low gross, first, second, and third low net. Skins per flight are awarded.


Our League starts in Early April and runs 22 weeks into Early September. We have a year end 36 hole Saturday & Sunday tournament the 2nd Weekend in September it is handicapped and flighted with skins. We follow all rules of Golf and additionally have a rule that you must play with another member to post your score. We do reserve the right to audit any score, and prize money’s.


Course Play: Alternating play from the Front 9 one week to the Back 9 the next week.  9 hole league scores are posted on the Golf Genius Member Portal for CCMGA. All scores are also posted in GHIN using the Golf Genius software.

For more information please feel free to contact any of the following: