
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™
Abbott, Taylor 10.8
Annesley, Sean 6.7
Batista, Joe 14.1
Begler, Greg 8.3
Blaszka, Charles 19.4
Blaszka, Nick 13.8
Bocaccio, Craig 11.8
Brauneisen, Gregg 6.2
Burgess, Dale 6.0
Burgess, David 11.8
Burke, Patrick 23.3
Campbell, Michael 12.9
Candee, Chris 7.8
Cannon, Robert 8.6
Capirichio, Joseph 20.4
Carvalho, Sergio 7.6
Cesca, Bob 9.5
Chauvin, George 13.4
Chelednik, Tom 28.4
Chulkovs, Mike 17.0
Cipriano, Manny 10.4
Colagiovanni, Frank 6.1
Cort, Scott 24.2
Cosio, Chris 8.2
Costa, Pedro 22.2
Crotty, Cole 6.3
Crowley, Michael 15.9
Curran, Emil 21.1
David, Milan 17.0
Davis, Otto 16.3
De Maso, Fred 14.1
DelGardo, Paul 22.6
derosa, thomas 15.5
Desai, Keyur 7.2
Deyo, Keith 9.5
DiGilio, Vinny 35.8
Dinardo, Paul 2.6
Driehuizen, Neal 19.6
Eriquez, Jason 8.1
Evaristo, Victor 5.4
Everett, Peter 2.2
Farabaugh, Jay 3.3
Farias, Frank 33.3
Fossi, Donald 5.4
Friedman, James 18.1
Furtado, David 14.7
Gehan, Colin 10.9
Giovannoli, Tony 16.2
Gomes, Jack 24.9
Grimaldi, Michael 16.7
Gurry, Colin 11.5
Haddad, Arthur 5.5
Harmonay, Richard 14.5
Heim, Matt 8.6
Hess, Thomas 15.9
Hillery, Terry 9.4
Holman, Ryan 6.8
Hrostek, Chet 3.4
Kaplan, Jere 20.0
Karig, Stephen 2.4
Kelly, Chris 5.5
Kenny, Andrew 18.4
Kermashek, John 22.5
Kilian, Eddie 16.3
Kimball, Nick 14.1
Ksionzyk, Matthew 14.6
Kunst, Frank 8.2
Kurjiaka, Andrew 13.8
Lajoie, David 18.4
Lawlor, Cory 8.5
Lawlor, Jim 11.3
Leighton, Clinton 25.4
Leonard, Teven 5.3
Lipham, Glyn 17.6
Lombardo, Dan 5.5
Lopes, Roger 19.0
Malone, Stephen 26.2
Manacek, John 11.7
Manganello, James 12.3
Marin, Rafael 14.5
Martin, Michael 10.4
Martin, Scott 5.9
McGowan, Christopher 16.5
McMullin, Tim 17.3
McNally, Brian 16.7
Mead, Albert 31.0
Melillo, William 26.0
Miceli, Rocco 21.6
Mitchell, Robert 19.9
Nadeau, Kevin 5.6
Neth, Billy 12.4
Nolan, Theodore 15.5
Norris, James 37.6
Nunn, Ronnie 13.0
Palanzo, Neil 4.3
Perez, Raul 23.7
Petrucci, Alan 11.6
Plaskett, Douglas 3.3
Radachowsky, Gregg 4.0
Ramey, Doug 15.8
Rautter, Michael 13.7
Reis, Jorge 16.5
Rey, David 26.1
Ribeiro, Joe 15.8
Richardson, George 12.1
Rickel, Karl 6.0
Rooney, James 9.4
Ross, Adam 10.6
Roxo, Felipe 2.2
Russell, Mark 5.9
Sachs, Adam 16.8
Santos, Amandio 14.8
Sapere, Nicholas 8.5
Sarath, James 13.4
Scahill, Frank 13.2
Schonfeld, Ryan 11.6
Schweitzer, Eric 5.6
Schweitzer, William 28.0
Seaman, Gary 25.6
Senno, Henry 11.4
Showah, Michael 19.5
Siecienski, Peter 17.1
Slack, Drew 22.2
Sweet, James 12.2
Szymanski, Scott 14.5
Tierney, Jim 8.2
Tierney, Jimmy 9.3
Timan, Michael 11.8
Tomas, Alex 14.8
Totten, Michael 16.3
Traisci, Dan 19.8
Traisci, Matthias 17.2
Troll, Jason 5.1
Varian, Keith 23.9
Vazquez, Ozzie 17.0
Voorhees, Jake 7.4
Walz, Peter 33.6
Watkins, Don 7.7
Whiting, Jake 13.2
Wilbur, Chris 11.0
Wolfram, Tom 20.5
Wrobel, Vin 22.0
Zinman, Peter 24.6
Zuluaga, Alex 19.3