
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™
Abbott, Taylor 12.4
Annesley, Sean 7.3
Blaszka, Charles 19.7
Bocaccio, Craig 11.3
Burgess, David 11.2
Calorossi, Jeffrey 16.2
Candee, Chris 6.7
Carter, Donald 13.8
Carvalho, Sergio 9.0
Chauvin, George 13.4
Cipriano, Manny 9.4
Coma, Jeton 11.3
Cooke, Geoff 8.9
Cort, Scott 24.7
Cotter, Kevin 7.1
Cronin, Thomas 19.7
Crotty, Cole 8.2
Crowley, Michael 16.0
Desai, Keyur 9.5
Dinardo, Paul 1.1
Eriquez, Jason 8.9
Evaristo, Victor 4.8
Everett, Peter 1.9
Farias, Frank 31.2
Fernandes, Luis 17.9
Foley, Patrick 16.2
Fossi, Donald 5.7
Friedman, James 17.2
Furtado, David 15.4
Gehan, Colin 10.0
Gomes, Jack 12.0
Haddad, Arthur 5.5
Hillery, Terry 9.4
Holman, Ryan 6.0
Iannetta, Rudy 7.3
Karig, Stephen 2.0
Kenny, Andrew 19.2
Kunst, Frank 8.7
Lawlor, Jim 10.1
Leighton, Clinton 25.4
Liston, Stephen 3.2
Malone, Stephen 27.8
Manko, Paul 7.1
Martins, Victor 12.0
Martirano, Lou 16.9
McGowan, Christopher 16.2
Mead, Albert 30.8
Miceli, Robert 9.8
Miceli, Rocco 22.5
Mitchell, Robert 18.4
Nadeau, Kevin 6.3
Nathanson, Ted 13.4
Newland, David 12.9
Omahony, Evan 0.7
Patton, Kippy 16.0
Plaskett, Douglas 4.0
Pozzi, Chris 8.4
Reis, Jorge 17.3
Richardson, George 12.1
Roxo, Felipe 1.4
Russell, Mark 5.8
Russo, Frank 25.3
Santos, Amandio 13.6
Santos, Sergio 12.0
Sarath, James 12.1
Scahill, Frank 10.4
Schweitzer, Eric 5.8
Schweitzer, William 28.0
Seaman, Gary 25.6
Siecienski, Peter 17.5
Simonelli, Robert 17.3
Skidmore, Jonathan 10.8
Totten, Michael 16.1
Traisci, Dan 18.5
Walz, Peter 33.5
Whiting, Jake 13.4
Wilbur, Chris 9.9
Wolfram, Tom 20.4
Wrobel, Vin 21.1
Zuluaga, Alex 20.1