Walton Heath Senior Open 2024 Tee Sheet

Round 2 - Thu, September 26

Walton Heath-Old / White - Men
Time Hole Players
Walton Heath-Old
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Adrian Allen Belton Park
9:00 AM 1 White - Men Grant Allen + John Ambridge
Adrian Ashworth Hollingbury
9:20 AM 11 White - Men David Scott + Jeff Bearman
Aidan Lavender Barnard Castle
9:10 AM 11 White - Men David McMillan + Terry Falck
Christopher Bellamy Romford
9:00 AM 11 White - Men Iain Simpson + Ken Whitton
Colin Taylor Rothley Park
8:50 AM 11 White - Men David Walker + Gordon Stewart
Danny Holmes Rochester and cobham
10:10 AM 1 White - Men George Wilson + Jonathan Cooper
Darren Gatward Calcot Park
10:00 AM 11 White - Men Mark Hateley + Simon Jardine
David Westwood Little Aston
8:50 AM 1 White - Men Duncan Fay + Keith Morris
David Lang Hanbury Manor
10:00 AM 1 White - Men Iain Quigley + Stephen Creed
David Lees West Herts
9:30 AM 11 White - Men Roy Stephenson + Todd Sothcott
David McMillan Hayling
9:10 AM 11 White - Men Aidan Lavender + Terry Falck
David Pain Langley Park
9:20 AM 1 White - Men Mark Stones + Nick Davis
David Scott Upavon
9:20 AM 11 White - Men Adrian Ashworth + Jeff Bearman
David Walker Paisley Golf Club
8:50 AM 11 White - Men Colin Taylor + Gordon Stewart
Dominic Ronan west herts
9:50 AM 11 White - Men Malcolm Taylor + Stephen East
Douglas Cameron Worthing
10:20 AM 11 White - Men Mark Simpson + Martin Hayes
Duncan Fay St Georges Hill
8:50 AM 1 White - Men David Westwood + Keith Morris
Gary Earl Ferndown
8:30 AM 1 White - Men Gary Fisher + Philip Bill
Gary Fisher Five Lakes
8:30 AM 1 White - Men Gary Earl + Philip Bill
Gary Simmons Effingham Golf Club
8:40 AM 1 White - Men Ian Moore + Mark Snape
George Wilson Calcot Park
10:10 AM 1 White - Men Danny Holmes + Jonathan Cooper
Gordon Stewart Berkhamsted
8:50 AM 11 White - Men Colin Taylor + David Walker
Grant Allen Orsett Golf Club
9:00 AM 1 White - Men Adrian Allen + John Ambridge
Iain Quigley High post
10:00 AM 1 White - Men David Lang + Stephen Creed
Iain Simpson Brookmans Park
9:00 AM 11 White - Men Christopher Bellamy + Ken Whitton
Ian Moore Romford
8:40 AM 1 White - Men Gary Simmons + Mark Snape
Ian Slater Addington Palace
9:40 AM 11 White - Men Karl Smith + Tim Johnson
James Weigall Banstead Downs Golf Club
10:10 AM 11 White - Men Kevin Smale + Paul Wilkinson
Jeff Bearman Orsett Golf Club
9:20 AM 11 White - Men Adrian Ashworth + David Scott
John Ambridge moor park
9:00 AM 1 White - Men Adrian Allen + Grant Allen
John Blackmore Potters Five Lakes
9:10 AM 1 White - Men Mark Whiten + Paul King
John Kennedy Frilford Heath
9:30 AM 1 White - Men Phil Lewin + Rob Stevens
Jonathan Cooper Wildernesse
10:10 AM 1 White - Men Danny Holmes + George Wilson
Karl Smith Handsworth
9:40 AM 11 White - Men Ian Slater + Tim Johnson
Keith Morris Camberley Heath
8:50 AM 1 White - Men David Westwood + Duncan Fay
Ken Whitton Ashridge
9:00 AM 11 White - Men Christopher Bellamy + Iain Simpson
Kevin Parkes Lindrick GC
9:50 AM 1 White - Men Martin Galway + Matthew Allen
Kevin Smale Purley Downs
10:10 AM 11 White - Men James Weigall + Paul Wilkinson
Kirk Stark Rustic Canyon Golf Club
8:40 AM 11 White - Men Paul Bennett
Malcolm Taylor Remedy Oak
9:50 AM 11 White - Men Dominic Ronan + Stephen East
Mark Hateley Little Aston GC
10:00 AM 11 White - Men Darren Gatward + Simon Jardine
Mark Simpson Reading GC
10:20 AM 11 White - Men Douglas Cameron + Martin Hayes
Mark Snape Cumberwell Park
8:40 AM 1 White - Men Gary Simmons + Ian Moore
Mark Stones Boyce Hill Golf Club
9:20 AM 1 White - Men David Pain + Nick Davis
Mark Whiten Orsett
9:10 AM 1 White - Men John Blackmore + Paul King
Martin Galway Pyecombe
9:50 AM 1 White - Men Kevin Parkes + Matthew Allen
Martin Hayes Walton Heath
10:20 AM 11 White - Men Douglas Cameron + Mark Simpson
Matthew Allen Horsham Golf
9:50 AM 1 White - Men Kevin Parkes + Martin Galway
Nick Davis Old fold manor
9:20 AM 1 White - Men David Pain + Mark Stones
Paul Bennett Dyke
8:40 AM 11 White - Men Kirk Stark
Paul Griffiths Enville Golf Club
9:40 AM 1 White - Men Paul Stanford + Terry Bray
Paul King Orsett
9:10 AM 1 White - Men John Blackmore + Mark Whiten
Paul Stanford Royal St Georges
9:40 AM 1 White - Men Paul Griffiths + Terry Bray
Paul Wilkinson Chelmsford
10:10 AM 11 White - Men James Weigall + Kevin Smale
Phil Lewin Walton Heath
9:30 AM 1 White - Men John Kennedy + Rob Stevens
Philip Bill Ferndown GC
8:30 AM 1 White - Men Gary Earl + Gary Fisher
Rob Stevens Enville
9:30 AM 1 White - Men John Kennedy + Phil Lewin
Roy Stephenson Cooden Beach
9:30 AM 11 White - Men David Lees + Todd Sothcott
Simon Jardine Golf at Goodwood
10:00 AM 11 White - Men Darren Gatward + Mark Hateley
Stephen East Ganton
9:50 AM 11 White - Men Dominic Ronan + Malcolm Taylor
Stephen Creed Stratford on Avon Golf Club
10:00 AM 1 White - Men David Lang + Iain Quigley
Steve Sansome Rothley Park
10:20 AM 1 White - Men Steven Graham + Tord Nilsson
Steven Graham East Sussex National
10:20 AM 1 White - Men Steve Sansome + Tord Nilsson
Terry Falck Isle of Purbeck
9:10 AM 11 White - Men Aidan Lavender + David McMillan
Terry Bray Sandwell park
9:40 AM 1 White - Men Paul Griffiths + Paul Stanford
Tim Johnson Royal Lytham & St Anne’s
9:40 AM 11 White - Men Ian Slater + Karl Smith
Todd Sothcott Ferndown Golf Club
9:30 AM 11 White - Men David Lees + Roy Stephenson
Tord Nilsson Walton Heath
10:20 AM 1 White - Men Steve Sansome + Steven Graham