
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™ Tee
Alba, Luis 23.2 Gold
Baca, Bony 10.1 White
Baca, Jimmy 24.1 Gold
Baca, Michael 20.9 Gold
Baca, Renae 11.5 Gold
Bellgardt, Paul 10.7 White
Castillo, David 19.8 White
Castillo, Joe 14.7 White
Childs, Jane 21.2 Gold
Colley, Kathy 7.5 Gold
Cubero, Mayo 24.6 Gold
Duran, Robert 42.2 Gold
Eagle, David 16.5 Gold
Gaiter, Vince 24.7 White
Gardner, Tim 13.2 White
Garley, Henry 34.5 Gold
Goen, Larry 12.7 White
Gorenz, Deborah 13.6 Gold
Hamilton, Jack 29.1 Gold
Hamilton, Tyler 14.2 White
Heckes, John 19.6 White
Herrera, John 36.6 Gold
Jaramillo, Martin G. 22.9 Gold
Jojola, Patty 22.1 Gold
Kopcak, Terry 40.0 Gold
Kukowski, Shawn 23.2 White
Kuzior, Ted 29.5 Gold
Laliberty, Thomas 15.5 Teal
Larsen, Del 33.1 Gold
Latham, Carol 14.0 Gold
Lepre, David 18.2 Gold
Maestas, Floyd 17.3 White
Marquez, Lonnie 36.4 Gold
Martin, Annie 13.7 Gold
Martin, Rick R. 26.8 Gold
Mata, Bob 18.4 White
Miller, Gregory C. 16.6 Gold
Miller, Toni 28.0 Gold
Millington, Michaele 21.3 Gold
Molina, Manuel 20.7 Gold
Montoya, Mateo 19.2 Gold
Moore, Roger 27.7 White
Moorman, Sam 28.8 Gold
Mulle, John 18.1 White
Ortega, Alan 28.9 Gold
Padilla, Leonard 29.7 Gold
Pedersen, Dennis 14.0 Gold
Pedro, Georgia P. 24.1 Gold
Ramirez, Jose 15.8 White
Rodriguez, Gus P. 18.0 White
Sack, Rodger 22.2 Gold
Saiz, Dennis 15.9 White
Salazar, Gerald 22.3 Gold
Sandoval, Pete 32.0 Gold
Schubert, Kent 18.8 White
Sisneros, Albert 23.9 Gold
Smith, Mark 23.9 White
Stern, Jeff 21.7 Gold
Stock, Ron 17.7 Gold
Sullivan, John 25.9 Gold
Summers, Laura 20.7 Gold
Terry, Craig 14.9 Gold
Terry, Lyene 27.1 Gold
Vieth, Tom 10.4 Teal