Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ | Affiliation |
Andrew Bryce | +2.1 | Pine Island Country Club |
Andrew Duncan | 5.1 | Pine Island Country Club |
Andrew Smith | +0.3 | Pine Island Country Club |
Ben Schlosser | 5.6 | The Peninsula Club |
Bharat Anand | 5.2 | The Peninsula Club |
Bill Moore | 8.0 | The Peninsula Club |
Brayden Hawkins | +1.5 | Pine Island Country Club |
Brian Baker | 15.6 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Brian Schlabig | 2.0 | Pine Island Country Club |
Brian Zimmermann | 3.7 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Butch English | 4.3 | The Peninsula Club |
Carter McLellan | 3.5 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Charles Goad | 6.1 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Chris Bennett | 10.4 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Chris Bisson | 4.3 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Chris Hinnau | 1.9 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Christian Cerbino | 7.9 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Christopher Porro | 2.6 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Dan Bratys | 5.3 | Pine Island Country Club |
Daniel McGovern | 10.4 | The Peninsula Club |
David Laliberte | 9.0 | Pine Island Country Club |
Dean Miller | 2.0 | The Peninsula Club |
Doug Olson | 12.8 | The Peninsula Club |
Drew Cajka | +2.4 | Pine Island Country Club |
Ed Spitzer | 6.7 | The Peninsula Club |
Eric Oplinger | 0.3 | Pine Island Country Club |
Ethan Woodall | 0.4 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Garrett Michael | +0.7 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Gregory Piedmont | 6.3 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Hunter Justice | +1.9 | The Peninsula Club |
Izzy Justice | 5.7 | The Peninsula Club |
Jack Faraci | +2.6 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Jake Hutchinson | +0.8 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Jake Michael | 0.8 | Skybrook Golf Club |
James Johnson | 7.9 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Jamie Cattran | +0.8 | Pine Island Country Club |
Jason Krupa | 3.5 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Jason McCorduck | 4.9 | Pine Island Country Club |
Jason McWilliams | 12.6 | Pine Island Country Club |
Jay Price | 6.1 | Pine Island Country Club |
Jerry Kurtz | 5.4 | The Peninsula Club |
Jim Peterson | 9.4 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Jim Schumacher | 2.3 | The Peninsula Club |
Joe Hays | 5.8 | Skybrook Golf Club |
John Caldwell | 3.3 | The Peninsula Club |
John Hayes | 2.7 | Pine Island Country Club |
Josh Honeycutt | 0.2 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Justin Busby | 10.0 | The Peninsula Club |
Keaton Ackermann | 5.6 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Keith Loranger | 5.7 | The Peninsula Club |
Kevin Busteed | +2.5 | Pine Island Country Club |
Kevin Stines | 6.3 | Pine Island Country Club |
Kurt Minnick | 0.6 | The Peninsula Club |
Lacy Hayes | 2.1 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Larry Griffin | 0.1 | Pine Island Country Club |
Luke Lavorato | 3.5 | Pine Island Country Club |
Manny Cantor | 7.7 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Marc Kolonoski | 5.2 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Mark Crews | 1.3 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Mark Zeiner | 4.4 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Michael Green | 0.1 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Mike Cavanaugh | 2.2 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Mike Miller | TPC at Piper Glen | |
Morgan Anderson | 1.8 | The Peninsula Club 2 - rQ |
Nathan Birch | 12.2 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Patrick Tracy | 1.9 | The Peninsula Club |
Phil Jarvis | 0.3 | The Peninsula Club |
Red Resener | +3.5 | The Peninsula Club |
Rich Calcasola | 7.2 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Rich Strauch | 8.9 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Richard Phillips | 6.8 | The Peninsula Club |
Rick Ingham | 11.6 | Pine Island Country Club |
Robert Reed | 6.2 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Ron Payne | 3.9 | The Peninsula Club |
Ryan Denniston | 1.6 | Skybrook Golf Club |
Sam Ketner | 8.6 | The Peninsula Club |
Samuel Eno | 0.2 | Pine Island Country Club |
Samuel Goodnight | +2.1 | Pine Island Country Club |
Scott Pelin | 4.1 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Scott Reed | 5.2 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Stephen Chuilli | 0.8 | The Peninsula Club |
Steve Cusano | 5.8 | Pine Island Country Club |
Steve Trollinger | 1.3 | The Peninsula Club 2 - Pod rV |
Stuart Harborne | 1.5 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Sung Ohm | 2.7 | The Peninsula Club |
Timothy West | 1.6 | Pine Island Country Club |
Todd Mavis | +1.6 | The Peninsula Club |
Todd Wilkins | 11.1 | The Peninsula Club |
Tom Freitas | 2.7 | TPC at Piper Glen |
Tyler Stahl | 3.3 | The Peninsula Club |
Vic Glenn | 3.0 | The Peninsula Club |
Wes Lev | 7.3 | The Peninsula Club |
Will Nevadomski | 4.5 | Skybrook Golf Club |