
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™ Affiliation
Andrew Bryce +2.1 Pine Island Country Club
Andrew Duncan 5.1 Pine Island Country Club
Andrew Smith +0.3 Pine Island Country Club
Ben Schlosser 5.6 The Peninsula Club
Bharat Anand 5.2 The Peninsula Club
Bill Moore 8.0 The Peninsula Club
Brayden Hawkins +1.5 Pine Island Country Club
Brian Baker 15.6 Skybrook Golf Club
Brian Schlabig 2.0 Pine Island Country Club
Brian Zimmermann 3.7 TPC at Piper Glen
Butch English 4.3 The Peninsula Club
Carter McLellan 3.5 Skybrook Golf Club
Charles Goad 6.1 TPC at Piper Glen
Chris Bennett 10.4 TPC at Piper Glen
Chris Bisson 4.3 TPC at Piper Glen
Chris Hinnau 1.9 Skybrook Golf Club
Christian Cerbino 7.9 TPC at Piper Glen
Christopher Porro 2.6 TPC at Piper Glen
Dan Bratys 5.3 Pine Island Country Club
Daniel McGovern 10.4 The Peninsula Club
David Laliberte 9.0 Pine Island Country Club
Dean Miller 2.0 The Peninsula Club
Doug Olson 12.8 The Peninsula Club
Drew Cajka +2.4 Pine Island Country Club
Ed Spitzer 6.7 The Peninsula Club
Eric Oplinger 0.3 Pine Island Country Club
Ethan Woodall 0.4 Skybrook Golf Club
Garrett Michael +0.7 Skybrook Golf Club
Gregory Piedmont 6.3 Skybrook Golf Club
Hunter Justice +1.9 The Peninsula Club
Izzy Justice 5.7 The Peninsula Club
Jack Faraci +2.6 TPC at Piper Glen
Jake Hutchinson +0.8 Skybrook Golf Club
Jake Michael 0.8 Skybrook Golf Club
James Johnson 7.9 Skybrook Golf Club
Jamie Cattran +0.8 Pine Island Country Club
Jason Krupa 3.5 Skybrook Golf Club
Jason McCorduck 4.9 Pine Island Country Club
Jason McWilliams 12.6 Pine Island Country Club
Jay Price 6.1 Pine Island Country Club
Jerry Kurtz 5.4 The Peninsula Club
Jim Peterson 9.4 Skybrook Golf Club
Jim Schumacher 2.3 The Peninsula Club
Joe Hays 5.8 Skybrook Golf Club
John Caldwell 3.3 The Peninsula Club
John Hayes 2.7 Pine Island Country Club
Josh Honeycutt 0.2 TPC at Piper Glen
Justin Busby 10.0 The Peninsula Club
Keaton Ackermann 5.6 Skybrook Golf Club
Keith Loranger 5.7 The Peninsula Club
Kevin Busteed +2.5 Pine Island Country Club
Kevin Stines 6.3 Pine Island Country Club
Kurt Minnick 0.6 The Peninsula Club
Lacy Hayes 2.1 TPC at Piper Glen
Larry Griffin 0.1 Pine Island Country Club
Luke Lavorato 3.5 Pine Island Country Club
Manny Cantor 7.7 TPC at Piper Glen
Marc Kolonoski 5.2 Skybrook Golf Club
Mark Crews 1.3 TPC at Piper Glen
Mark Zeiner 4.4 Skybrook Golf Club
Michael Green 0.1 Skybrook Golf Club
Mike Cavanaugh 2.2 TPC at Piper Glen
Mike Miller TPC at Piper Glen
Morgan Anderson 1.8 The Peninsula Club 2 - rQ
Nathan Birch 12.2 Skybrook Golf Club
Patrick Tracy 1.9 The Peninsula Club
Phil Jarvis 0.3 The Peninsula Club
Red Resener +3.5 The Peninsula Club
Rich Calcasola 7.2 TPC at Piper Glen
Rich Strauch 8.9 TPC at Piper Glen
Richard Phillips 6.8 The Peninsula Club
Rick Ingham 11.6 Pine Island Country Club
Robert Reed 6.2 TPC at Piper Glen
Ron Payne 3.9 The Peninsula Club
Ryan Denniston 1.6 Skybrook Golf Club
Sam Ketner 8.6 The Peninsula Club
Samuel Eno 0.2 Pine Island Country Club
Samuel Goodnight +2.1 Pine Island Country Club
Scott Pelin 4.1 TPC at Piper Glen
Scott Reed 5.2 TPC at Piper Glen
Stephen Chuilli 0.8 The Peninsula Club
Steve Cusano 5.8 Pine Island Country Club
Steve Trollinger 1.3 The Peninsula Club 2 - Pod rV
Stuart Harborne 1.5 TPC at Piper Glen
Sung Ohm 2.7 The Peninsula Club
Timothy West 1.6 Pine Island Country Club
Todd Mavis +1.6 The Peninsula Club
Todd Wilkins 11.1 The Peninsula Club
Tom Freitas 2.7 TPC at Piper Glen
Tyler Stahl 3.3 The Peninsula Club
Vic Glenn 3.0 The Peninsula Club
Wes Lev 7.3 The Peninsula Club
Will Nevadomski 4.5 Skybrook Golf Club